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I poked the chocolate brownie near his mouth as he pushed my hand away repeatedly.
"Stop it,Imogen!" He said calmly pushing my hand away once again.
"Come on, just one" I urged moving it close to his mouth again, leaving chocolate smudges at the side of his face.
After the thing with Camilla and Desmond, I and Shane started sitting together a lot outside, today I had brought a box of brownies made by my mom and insisted he'd try it.
"Are you allergic?" I asked in panick, quickly retracting the chocolatey treat from the side of his mouth.
"Then what's the problem??, how do you know you won't like it ,if you've never tried it!"
He rolled his eyes
"Its made with love?" I gave hoping it would convince him.
He sighed and held out his hand for the Brownie, which I happily gave him.
He popped it in his mouth and I watched his facial expressions change as he ate.
"Not bad" he hummed
"Not bad?, how about, absofrickentutly, delicious!" I grinned, putting another brownie in my mouth.

"Its still unhealthy" he stated blankly."your teeth will suffer for it"

"Let me enjoy my youth!"I huffed " we can't all make our healthy foods and attend cooking class all the time"

He looked up from his phone and gave me a serious stare."Michael told you? "

I nodded and he sighed in irritation.

"Don't worry, he didn't say anything bad!, I think its cool you attend cooking classes!, he said your really good" I assured, giving him a toothy grin.

He smiled a little at that and I gasped.
"You can smile?" I asked, shocked by my discovery.
He gave me a look"of course I can smile, I'm no robot "

I gasped dramatically at that
This was news to me

"I thought you were incapable of feeling human emotions!"

He rolled his eyes, and I smiled at him.
"You should smile more often" I started"you have a great smile, with a cute little one-cheek-dimple too"

He didn't say anything but turned slightly pink at the sentence.
He suddenly cleared his throat and picked up his phone, scrolling through it"um so, how are things with you and Michael "

I smiled at this question "great, we went out to a cafe for tutoring last week, although we goofed around a lot, it was fun" I laughed at the memory and Shane hummed in acknowledgment.
I wondered what Michael thought of me.
I hope he didn't think I was a nuisance or anything
But he seemed to enjoy my company...
But he could just be acting nice to me

"Shane can I ask you something?"I started nervously

" sure, what?"he replied dropping his phone so that his attention was on me.

"I..um, does he......" I started and Shane raised an eyebrow.
I continued "ever.......talk about me?"
Shane stared at me before answering.
"No"he stated plainly
I felt my heart sink into my toes and I nodded slowly
" I can ask him if you want......?"he gave and my eyes widened.
"No,no,no,no!!, I'm good, just curious,that's all"
I sat quietly for a while.
I didn't know why this made me feel bad.
Was it because of the way Shane said it?
Soon, a familiar voice interrupted me from my thought"I.G!"
Upon hearing the sound I turned from my current facial expression to one that made me look like I was the happiest girl on earth
I turned in my seat
"Hey Jayden, Jacob" I smiled widely.
"Dang I.G, you've been basically invisible lately" Jacob pointed out.
"Yeah,what's up!" Jayden asked , taking off her football helmet
I can tell they Jayden went for football practice with Jacob probably just watched periodically screaming 'that's my girlfriend!' Every time she scored a touchdown or something.
They probably were going to get lunch and recognized me.
I tried not to get my hopes up too high thinking they came to look for me.

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