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A week later I came to school early and decided to look for more early comers to talk to.
I glanced over at the patterned lockers and other early comers I didn't talk to and spotted a familiar blonde with wavy hair standing next to one of the lockers.


Deciding that I would get over what happened during that weekend I skipped over to her smiling widely.

Even though none of them ever called......or asked me what was wrong......
Or notice my absence.... For a week.......


I skipped over to her but froze in my tracks when she turned around.

Her hair was a mess and she wore mixed match clothes like she has her eyes closed while picking them out, she had heavy eye bags like she hadn't been sleeping and swollen blood shot eyes, and her face looked miserable in contrast to how happy she usually looked.

I gasped and slowly approached her.

"Camari?"I carefully started "What's wrong"
I needed to be really sensitive and careful with her, talking to a sad Camari was like walking on egg shells.

She sniffed but said nothing

"Camari...?"I slightly touched her shoulder and soon she bent down and was sobbing uncontrollably into the crook of my neck.

"What happened?" I slowly asked again when she had calmed down.

She sniffed but replied "y-yesterday night, I, Desmond and the rest of the crew went to Jenny's p-party..." She started slowly, wiping a few stray tears.

I ignored the part about going to a party without me, this was no time to be petty.

I motioned her to go on.

"T-then, Desmond went out to the p-pool and, and" she hiccuped a sobbed" he kissed Jenny "

I gasped.

"Did you confront him?" I asked slowly, finding it hard to recover from the shock.
"N-no, I ran away immediately" she sniffed, she then pulled out her phone"he's been calling me since then but I'm not ready to see him"

I took the phone she showed me and scrolled through the various texts and calls from him.

"Look, Camari, I know Desmond and I know he's definitely not a cheater, this is a misunderstanding" I stated.

I knew Desmond before Camari did, he went to my summer camp before he started at my school, sure he was a play boy, but not anymore....

Since Desmond hadn't come to school yet they was nothing I could do at the moment, I stared at Camari, feeling like total crap that I couldn't come up with some encouraging words to help her feel better, I had no idea what to do at this point, im bad at emotional stuff, at this point I didn't know what to say.

I sighed at my lack of words pulling her in for a hug, even though I was shorter than her.

She smiled at me when we pulled away.

"Don't worry, when I find Desmond I'll kick his butt so hard his gran kids will feel it...in the future"I said, trying to bring a little light into the situation.

It worked and she giggled a little, we spent most of the time talking and laughing like we used to but I couldn't help but feel she was only talking to me because Desmond wasn't here, or Jayden and Quinn.
They had boyfriends, they would relate to her situation better.

Class started and I couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Desmond.

It must be a large misunderstanding, Desmond wouldn't do anything like that!, he's a sweet boyfriend
And he hates Jenny, so why would he......?
  A tap on the back of my hand interrupted me from my deep thought

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