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I stared down at my chemistry paper in confusion.

What the heck.....

Well I'm screwed.

Nothing on this test sheet made sense and I groaned mentally scolding myself for not reading the day before.

Looking back at it, maybe reading that book wasn't the brightest idea.

I shrugged.

Time to fail.

I gave a dry laugh and began filling in the answers to the questions I knew or at least had an idea of, I knew a little bit but not quite enough to pass.

I sighed and dropped my pencil, staring forward at our chemistry teacher, my Gavin, who could hardly keep his eyes open.

"Psst, I.G" a familiar voice whispered.

I looked up and saw Jacob staring at me intently, obviously trying to make eye contact.

I raised a brow at him.

"What's the answer for number 2a?" He mouthed and I almost laughed out loud in response.

Bold of him to assume I know that question.

I gave him a smile -not a friendly smile- it was the kind of smile that told him I had no idea what the heck I was doing.

I could already visualize the 'F' on my report card.

He slouched in his seat and groaned and I laughed a little at that.

I watched silently at his sorry attempt to get Kyles attention but Kyle was too busy with his paper.

He tried whispering but no luck, he tried coughing. Nothing.

At this point he was full on waving, and may I say it wasn't subtle at all.

"Jacob, what do you think your doing?" Mr Gavin asks finally taking notice of Jacobs obvious hand gestures.

I lean back in my seat.

This should be good.

"Uhhhhhhh....." He trails off and Mr Gavin motions him to continue.

"I.....was....stretching?" He replies, although it comes out as more of a question than an answer.

Mr Gavin shrugs."Good enough for me"

I snickered at his reply.

Mr Gavin was one of those super laid back teachers in their late 30's who couldn't care less about what their students did as long as it didn't get them in trouble. He probably knew that Jacob was lying but if any other teacher walked into class and saw that, he could simply say he was stretching.

That's why he was everyone's favorite teacher. He couldn't care less.

He rested his head on the table, full on dozing from here and leaving everyone to cheat to their hearts content.

I watched as Camari scolded Jacob and he shrunk in his seat.

I stared at her and she made eye contact with me. And from there we were just staring at each other.

She gave me an awkward smile, which I  returned,and went back to glaring at Jacob.

I bit my lip, rethinking my decision.

I missed hanging out with them and joking around and attending sleepovers and pulling pranks on their boyfriends.

I immediately wanted to go back to them and pretend that nothing was wrong.

But I know it would hurt on the inside if I did, but I wasn't sure if it hurt any less now that I was avoiding them.

But I had to let them know that I can't be taken for granted.

I'm a big girl.

And friendships have to be balanced.

The bell rang and Mr Gavin woke up "alright everyone, submit your papers" he announced tiredly.

I quickly scribbled down whatever nonsense I had in my brain on the blank spaces and sighed.

I got up and turned in my paper before sluggishly walking towards the door and almost immediately someone put an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey I.g, how was the test?!" Michael chirped and I smiled at him.

I didn't want him to know that after his hard work ,I would still most likely fail the test.

I shrugged "It was okay"

He smiled "well good!, Shane thinks we don't concentrate enough at tutoring. I can't wait to rub your passing score in his face"

I blushed a little and looked down as guilt washed over me.

"Hey.. What's up?" Michael asked slowly, standing in front of me and crouching so our eyes met.

"I.." I sighed "I don't think I did too well, I'm sorry"

He smiled at me, I searched for disappointment in his blue orbs but found nothing.

"That just means we'll try harder now, doesn't it?" He grinned and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Aren't you mad?" I asked

He shook his head "Nah, I can't stay mad at you!" He said ruffling my hair.

I glared at him playfully" firstly, don't touch my hair. And secondly " I took a step away from him "stop crouching down like your talking to a toodler!, I'm 17!"

"Sure you are" he cooed patting my head.

I headed to the next class with a smile and met Shane sitting at his usual seat, it wasn't next to me not too far away from mine.

I skipped to his seat.

I smiled "hey Shane"

"You seem happy?" He stated.

"I'm always happy" I grinned.

"Not this happy"he said ,almost giving a half smile.

I couldn't help but grin wider, if that was even possible and stared at my shoes.

"Its just that.." I looked up and his eyes met mine "I really think Michael likes me"

He stared at me for a while, his face void of any emotion and I stared back, wait for him to say anything that would verify my guesses.

Maybe something along the lines of;

Wow, Imogen, your tots correct, he does like you!, like totally tubular!

Even though I know he would never say 'tots' or 'totally tubular'

But it was fun to imagine.

He finally sighed "okay, good for you"

I narrowed my eyes at his curt response.

"Are you okay?" I asked cautiously.

"I'm fine" he responded and I noticed his jaw clench a little.

"Are you sure, because-

"I already said I was fine, what else do you want from me?!" He snapped and I jumped back a little.

"Okay, sorry for asking" I said and I quickly walked over to my seat as the teacher rushed in, ready to start the class.

I'm sorry its obviously rushed but I had to get it done cause I may not update for a while but I won't be gone too long, expect me to come back during the summer holiday.
Around July or so

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