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I sat in biology class, intently watching the clock tick.

I pursed my lips in boredom, nothing the teacher was saying was going into my brain ,to me, she was just talking gibberish, and it was extremely frustrating.

I glanced over to Shane who was listening intently in class.

How does he do that?

I groaned again and silently prayed that the clock would go faster, I hadn't had any sugar today and I was suddenly feeling drained of all energy.

As if my prayers were heard the bell for school over rang and I sighed in relief before packing all my books in my bag and grabbing the doll.

Shane glanced at me and I smiled at him, before showing him the doll or Shane Junior.

His narrowed at that and he briskly walked out of class and I followed behind him.
"Where you planning on leaving, without Shane junior?" I pouted playfully, holding the doll like it was a real baby.

"Don't walk next to me holding that thing" he stated, stopping at his locker to sort out some books.

I ignored him and took a small lollipop from my pocket before unwrapping it.

"You eat that stuff?" He asked in pure disgust

"Of course, I need the sugar for energy" I said, putting the used wrapper in my pocket "would you like one?"

He scrunched his face up in disgust "I'll pass, those things are bad for you"

I ignored him.

"I think we should have a schedule, you keep him from Monday to Thursday and I keep him from Friday to Sunday" I reasoned, changing the subject to the baby doll.

He scoffed at that"I'm not taking that thing home"

I gave him a once over.

"What do you mean 'your not taking it home!'"

"I meant what I said"he shut his locker.

"Well I cant do all the work!" My eyebrows furrowed "I already have one screaming baby at home, I don't need two!"

He huffed and put in his locker combination before opening the locker.
"Put it in here"

I stared at him like he had grown an extra head.
"What kind of parent are you?!"I pulled Shane junior close to my chest " are you trying to suffocate him?!"

He ran his fingers through his curly hair in frustration "it doesn't even have lungs!!"
"Says who?!, miss Carter says its like a real baby!, what if we come back and see the wrist band glowing red!" My eyes widened as I came across a realization "or worse!,not at all!"

I gulped imagining coming back to a dead baby.

He crossed his arms and looked down on me.
Yes, down.
He was way taller than me.
But then again, most people were.

"I really don't want to have this argument with you, Imogen"

My eyes drew together at the sound of my full name"firstly, not Imogen, I.G"I corrected but he just rolled his eyes" and secondly, its almost like I'm the only person trying to make this relationship work!"

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