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I sat down at my usual seat at the edge of the table.

Nobody stared at us or gossiped anymore because at this point people were used to all of us hanging out at this point.

But that didn't stop a few side glances, not that it really mattered though.
I looked at my table members and groaned to see all the couples too busy with each other.

I cleared my throat loudly and they all turned to me.

"You guys sure do know how to make me feel like a third wheel" I grumbled.
"If you don't want to be a third wheel just get yourself a boyfriend" Desmond stated blankly.
I gasped dramatically,pretending to be hurt and pout.
Little did they know how hard that had hit me.
"You say it like its the easiest recreational activity in the world!,'get yourself a boyfriend'" I mocked, imitating his deep voice and British accent.

Camari gave me a sharp nudge in the arm for that one.

"But seriously, I.G, your one of the coolest girls I know, how come you've never had a boyfriend"Jacob asked, his emerald green eyes were filled with genuine curiosity.

Because I've never been good enough for all the guys I ever liked.

But I wasn't going to say that.

"Boyfriends don't grow on trees, you know, and besides, I haven't met anyone I've liked" I lied, taking a bite of my fry
Over the years I had learnt how to lie flawlessly and hide my emotions, even if I was dying inside.

"Hey guys!, mind if I joined you?" A voice cheered, I looked up to see one of my friends, Angel, smiling at us and holding her lunch tray.

"Yes!finally, a fellow single Pringle!" I grinned,motioning her to come over.

Angel was that girl that could never be categorized, she was extroverted when she wanted to be, but she was also introverted sometimes, she was also smart and incredibly gorgeous with blonde hair stopped at her shoulders complimented by beautiful Hazelnut brown eyes and adorable freckles that grazed every inch of her face. She was that girl that talked to everyone irrespective of social status, including me.

We weren't best of friends or extra close or anything but I could have a decent conversation with her every once in a while.

She laughed and sat next to me and we began talking.

"So Jay-Jay, there's this new restaurant that open last week, I heard they make killer steaks, wanna go check it out" Jacob asked, before taking a bite of his burger.

Jayden slurped her smoothie loudly "you had me at steaks"

"Y'know, I'm starting to think you only love me cause I buy you food" Jacob pouted, resting his head on Jaydens shoulder.

"Well duh!" Jayden smirked, a light pink dusted her cheeks.

"Oh, the pain!"

"Your such an idiot!" Jayden laughed and her eyes glimmered.

"Your idiot though?"Jacob gave with a goofy grin.

Jaydens face grew a somewhat darker shade of pink but she smiled lightly" yeah, my idiot"

Kyle glanced at Quinn"wanna go too?, I'll make it super romantic "he winked
Quinn smirked but I noticed her cheeks turn slightly pink"you ?romance?, Ha!"

"Well prepare to eat your words cause I'm the most romantic guy you ever met, you see my eyes?, those are the eyes of Shakespeare!" he stated, with a tinge of amusement in his voice.
Quinn rolled her eyes and sat up, a playful smirk on her face "mention one romantic thing, just one!, you did without the help of, short stack over there" she stated, motioning me.

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