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"Hey, y'know what I just realized?" I said out of no where and Shane just shrugged "you have a birth mark, right here"

I poked the side of his face and he sighed."Go away"

"Awwwn,you don't really mean that" I said, pinching his cheek slightly and he pushed my hand away
I huffed "your so cold, how is Shane junior going to grow up with such an icy hearted father"

I held Shane junior close to my face and Nuzzled his plastic nose with mine.

"Don't worry" I whispered "I'll love you"

Shane snatched Shane junior from my arms and placed him faced down onto the table.
"Can you not?" He said "your making this weirder than it already is"

I narrowed my eyes at him "y'know, I'll never understand why you like to act all icy cold" I said "when your just a softy"

He said nothing and I sighed
"And also if you acted less unapproachable, I bet you would make loads of friends, you'd be really popular" I advised from my own person experience "you have the looks for it"

He stared at me with a look I didn't recognize and then he sighed, not really replying to me.

"How's your arm doing?" He asked, directing to the area on my arm that I got my shot, it was now covered in a cute pink band-aid.

"Awwwn, see?, you do care!" He narrowed his eyes at me and I gulped. This boy could be intimidating if he wanted to be.
"Its fine, but it kinda still hurts, and feels weird" I said slightly, pressing the bandage and wincing slightly.

"Don't press it, its not going to get better if you do that!"

I groaned "yes, father!"

Out of boredom and sudden lack of energy I pulled out a strawberry candy from my bag and munched on it happily. Shane looked at me weirdly.

"What?, it gives me energy!" I said defensively.

"Upon the fact that your sick?"

"I need this to go through the day, or else I'd just gloom around all day in darkness and despair" I smiled cheekily "kind of like you"

He scoffed "I don't gloom in sadness and despair, your overreacting"

I gasped dramatically. That was the biggest lie I'd ever heard.

"Oh, yes you do!, you just sit in your room all day, hawk moth style!" I said, feeling proud of my cartoon reference.

He raised an eyebrow at me "what?"

I gasped again "you don't know hawk moth?"

He shook his head slowly

"Miraculous tales?" I gave, he shook his head

"Lady bugs and cat noirs miraculous!" I said I'm my best 'hawk moth' voice, in hopes he would recognised it.

At this point he stopped looking at me all together while eating some sort of pastry he got from home and I huffed.

"Did you make that?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I did, do you want some?"he asked, directing to the cookie.

" what flavor?"


I gave him a look, like he had grown to heads."you disgust me"

He rolled his eyes and I leaned forward across the table, so that we were a bit closer.

"Make something for me some day!" I chirped.

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