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"Alrighty! Let's get cooking!" I said, rubbing my palms together in anticipation.

Shane scanned the small kitchen, unimpressed. He asked, "Why all the baking stuff?"

I turned to him and raised an eyebrow, "Are we not baking?"

Shane took two long strides, so he was standing right next to me. He snatched the bag of flour of the table.

"Afraid not. You eat too much crap. Its going to take a toll on you when you get older."

I rolled my eyes, "Jeez, you sound like my mom now."

He got out a bag of vegetables from the fridge and I narrowed my eyes, "I hope we aren't eating anything too healthy."

Shane wasn't back to his regular Shane self by now, sighing in annoyance at everything I do. Instead, he was offering a few grins and smirks here and there. Something I wasn't used to but didn't mind.

He took a few carrots out of the bag, " Healthy food can taste good too, Imogen."

For some reason, in a span of a few minutes, him calling me that didn't irritate me anymore. In fact, if I were being completely honest. It made me feel a bit giddy inside.

Suddenly, the sound of thunder tore me away from my thoughts. It was quick and abrupt, the only evidence of it was the flash of lightning that followed, scorching a tree outside my house and leaving only the coal black bark, branches and the heavy splat of rain against the window.

I gasped and turned to Shane. "Did you see that?" I leaned towards the window to get a closer look.

Shane nodded slowly, "yeah.."

A smile found its way to my lips as I turned back to Shane, " You're lucky I'm such a good person. That could have been you!"

"Good people don't say their good people". He set out the carrots in front of me and handed me a knife.

"Be grateful! You could have been roast beef right about now!" I threw back, taking the knife from him and narrowing my eyes to slits.

He smiled again, revealing that one cheek dimple I'd grow to love but hadn't seen enough.

Then he went to peeling of the skin of a few potatoes he'd found in the plastic grocery bag.

I stared down at the knife in hand and hummed. I'd never really held a knife before. Heck, I was hardly ever in the kitchen. I didn't like cooking because cooking in the kitchen with my mom was always filled with a few burns (from my carelessness of course) and endless nagging (from my mom of course).

I raised the knife above my head and swung it forward, cutting the vegetable in a perfect half.

Shane raised both eyebrows at the sound of the knife forcefully slicing through the carrot and hitting the cutting board in a loud thud.

"Can I cut the carrots like that?" I asked, my fingers still tightly clutching the wooden end of the knife tightly.

Shane shrugged, "sure.."


"...If your planning on loosing all five fingers."

"..less cool"

Shane quirked a brow and took a few strides over to me," here, let me "

I almost let go of the knife, thinking he was going to take over and cut them himself. So you can only imagine my surprise when he got behind me,leaned to  rest his head on my shoulder and placed his hands over mine, guiding them.

Then, he started moving my hands so I was cutting the carrots, not as fast as the chefs on TV, but enough to keep all my fingers.

My heart was beating fast and I gulped. This was very out of character for Shane. Something was definitely up with him.

Deciding I wanted a bit of the old Shane back so the racing in my heart could stop, I decided I would use one of my flirtatious comments that didn't really have too much meaning but always managed to annoy him.

"Y'know.." I started, ignoring the blood rushing to my cheeks. "In this position, we kinda look like a couple"

I started having second thoughts of if this was the real Shane, or an alien taking Shane's place when, after a while, he replied,

"Hm. I guess we do"

I flushed and squirmed in his hold, making him release me. Then, I gave him a sharp poke to the chest.
"What's up with you? You're acting different"

He shrugged. "I don't know
what you're talking about" he went back to the position we were in before. This time, instead of leading my hands he was doing the chopping himself, his head still rested on my shoulder.

I watched in awe as he cut up the vegetable like he'd been doing it his whole life. Each chop was swift and precise, cutting a piece to the exact same size as the previous. He definitely knew what he was doing.

"Why do you want to be a phycologists?" I asked not taking my eyes of the vegetables, he was done with the carrots now, off to something else. Something green. "You could be a chef instead."

Shane let out a sigh and his hot breath against my neck gave me tingles up my spine. "I like learning about the human mind. Knowing why people do the things they do and why they act the way they act.."

My shoulders slumped slightly but then quickly straightened when I thought of something to say, "That's too bad. You could have been my master chef at my mansion- if I and Michael end up together. It would be so fun!"

In an instant, his hands stopped moving and his breath slightly hitched. Then, almost immediately, he moved away from me, taking the warmth along with him.

He handed me a few tomatoes. "Here. You should be able to blend these"  His voice was stale and empty, it was almost like usual Shane but different, in an unsettling way.

I raised a brow at his sudden change of personality. "What's up with you? One minute you're all smiles and then the next, you're gloomy again" my eyes widened slightly as a thought popped up in my mind. "You look mad, are you mad?"

He turned to me and offered a tight smile, nothing like the genuine ones of before.

He bent over and placed a hand on my head, like you would for a little kid.
"No Imogen. I can't get mad at you"

Finally out!!

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