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I begrudgingly walked into school on Monday morning not feeling quite like myself, I think I caught a cold or something but whatever it was,I gave my a pounding head ache and a runny nose.

Just as I was cursing the universe for the third time this morning ,I was called by a familiar voice.

I snapped my head to the direction of the voice and Camari came to view, along with Jayden and Quinn.

I wouldn't say I was too happy to see them, considering they had, once again, ditched me to hang out with there boyfriends.

I sighed but approached them nonetheless.

"We heard about a cute new guy your seeing" Camari started off immediately.
I held in the urge to roll my eyes and smiled weakly instead.
"You know,I.G, your the last person I thought would keep a secret crush from us" Quinn commented.

I shook my head.

"Its nothing like that, were just friends" I sniffed

"Mmmmhhhmmm, right" Jayden said, drawing the word 'right' longer than needed.

I laughed dryly.

Camari raised a brow "what's up with you?"
Quinn nodded "yeah, your not jumping around, like you usually are"

I shrugged,"I'm not in the mood"

Jayden groaned a little

"Your no fun when your acting this way" she complained" its your job to make everyone happy, not get sad"

Quinn nodded slowly "yeah, this side of you makes me uncomfortable"

To say what they had just said hurt her would be an understatement.

What was that even supposed to mean?!

It was like a slap across the face, reminding me people wouldn't like me or be their for me, if she wasn't smiling.

Fake or not.

"If I'm no fun, then go hang out with your boyfriends"

They all looked at me weirdly and Immediately regretted saying that.

"I.G, are you okay?" Camari asked slowly.

I was silent for a while but then smiled "sorry, just wasn't feeling too well, I'm fine"

They looked at me strangely for a while but shrugged it of like it didn't happen.
As they talked I couldn't help but feel stabbed in the heart, over and over again.

They shrugged me off like usual and continued telling me of what happened during the weekend and I awkwardly smiled and pretended to be super interested but I knew I wasn't really listening to what they where saying.

Thankfully the bell rang, getting me out of a conversation I quite frankly, wanted nothing of and I slowly walked to my class and sat on my usual desk, resting my head on the table.

Soon Shane came along and sat next to me
"Good morning" he greeted and I groaned in response.

He raised a brow at me and I buried my head deeper into the croak of my elbow.

Suddenly I felt a hand being placed on my forehead and my head snapped up almost immediately at the contact.

Shane looked at me with expressionless eyes, not removing his hand from my forehead and my cheeks turned red.

Because of the cold of course.

"Your temperature is really high, have you seen the doctor?" He asked, removing the back of his palm from my head
I shook my head and he gave me one of his annoyed looks.

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