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3rd person POV

She seemed to be every where he went, at the ice cream shops, the park,the theaters,when he was taking a walk and now she was in my school.

Immediately he saw her sitting in her seat he immediately recognized her and the memories of what happened a few years ago washed over him.

The day that he never seemed to be able to forget.

3 years ago

On a beautiful day one evening on a bench in local park near by their neighborhood a 14 year old girl sat alone, in one hand was half a loaf of bread which she periodically tore and tossed a piece to any duck passing by.

The gentle breeze blew her extra long and curly caramel locks into her ocean blue eyes and she squinted them through her ugly rectangular brown glasses.

"What is she doing here?"

"Is she seriously thinking about going to the party?"

"Obviously not!"

"I wouldn't even show my face here if it were me"

"Maybe she's looking for someone who will have pity on her"

"How sad"

The girl, Imogen, scoffed, and resisted the urge to tell them to shut up and mind there business. She wondered when it became such a taboo for a girl like her to go to the park on a day like this, especially on her birthday.

'What am I even doing here?' She  thought for about the 10th time of being in that park, she had been forced by her parents to go, encouraging her to go out and make friends and get her head out of the fictional books she loved so much and with that, she was shoved outside the house and into the cold hand of the outside world while the parents planned some sort of surprise for her at home.

She hated the fact that they were so many teenager in the park right now and also hated the fact that her parents had chosen today of all days to make her there.

Today was Lizzy's birthday. And this was where her birthday party would be taking place.

Lizzy was the most popular girl in school.

There was nothing else to it, that's all Imogen knew her for, the girl everyone worshipped for her beautiful long black locks of hair and pretty and wide brown eyes and tanned skin, the girl that was mean to those, as she once said, 'below her' for no reason and the one who had all the friends she could ever want but dumped them like old toys when she got bored of them.

Imogen would give anything to have what Lizzy had, popularity, beauty, friends.
But her current social status made it almost impossible to make friends.

No one liked her.

She never did know if she did anything wrong or what she did wrong.
Maybe she had offended one of the popular people by accident and was paying the price for it, the price of a crime she wasn't aware of committing.

Maybe it was the way she looked, the ugly glasses that her mom refused to change for her, the multi colored braces that caught every single piece of food she ate,making it hard for her to smile at people, or the messy brown hair that stuck out in all direction, even when trying the brush and comb it at her hardest and fashion choices were also quite questionable.

Or maybe she just wasn't likable.

Whatever the reason was, it lead to her sitting on a bench far away from the party but still longingly staring at it and squinting to see what was going on.
It was an 'everyone is invited' kind of party but she was very sure she would not be welcomed.

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