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I grab June before she attacks Anden. She starts flailing her arms around, trying to get out of my grasp.

"June! Stop this!" I yell!

Anden backed away, unsure what to say.

"You think you can just put two damn broken nations back together?!" June yells, "I didn't fight a war just to reunite with the people that killed so many of our men and women!"

"June, I should've talked to you about this. But I decided on behalf of our people." Anden says slowly.

"What people?! You even said yourself that you didn't talk to your advisors about this, really!" she yells back. "I am the First Commander of the Republic, and I will not work with them..."

I set her back down and sighed. "The United States... That's a new one, for sure. But for me, growing up, the enemy was in my own backyard, not the Colonies. Me and the Republic haven't always been on the same side. I think it would be a good idea... maybe we change more of our ways."

June looks betrayed, and I can see the pain in her eyes, but I think that's when it hits her. The Republic has always been an enemy to itself.

The trials led to the killing of her brother and many innocent people like my mother and brother. The experiments they had once done on me. It might've been in the past with old leadership, but maybe having something new would help heal the people more... On both sides.

"Daniel, I'll need your help again," Anden says.

"You want the people on your side again, don't you?"

"Well, of course. I need to make a better plan for all of this. I have meetings later this week with the Chancellor."

"I will help you as long as the people are in the best interests." I shake hands with him.

Everything felt surreal at this point. The United States, was the very country that was destroyed. I would be glad to be a part of making sure the people knew they could trust this process.

At that moment, June screams in pain. She grabs her small belly and then falls to the floor in agony.

"June! Sweetheart!" I rush to her, scared, and scoop her up in my arms.

Anden jumps up. "Come on, let's get her to a jeep; I'll call the hospital," Anden says and helps me take her to a jeep.

I see the panic in Anden's eyes as if he felt like he caused her pain by bringing all this up and stressing her out with emotions. I am sure he'll beat himself up over this. The man is surely going through a lot. But unfortunately, my main focus is June right now.

In the jeep, June screams horrible pain. She was cursing under her breath and squeezing my hand. We get to the hospital, and they return her to a room.

She is asleep in the hospital bed. I watch as her chest rises and falls. I don't know what I'd do if I lost her again...or our child. The doctor said it was from her old wounds. I don't know, but she seemed in a lot of pain. Better to be safe than sorry.

A few hours pass, and June wakes up. "Daniel?" She looks around and rubs her eyes.

"I'm right here, sweetheart. Don't worry," I kiss her forehead.

"Is the baby okay?"

"Of course. Tess is taking good care of you," I smile.

"I hope that is not what labor feels like..." she jokes some and reaches for the water cup on the table.

"Well, I'll be right here if it does." I smile and help her drink.

She sits up in the bed and looks at her IVs. She is probably analyzing every detail. From the drug in the IV tube to what the tube itself was made out of. She loves paying attention to details. Even small ones. It's little things like that that remind me why I love her.

A knock outside the door startles us. It was Eden and Pressa.

"Hey, heard about the news... Unfortunately, it is all over the news." Eden points to his phone and sighs.

"Great.." June rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. She was always in the spotlight some how and I know she disliked it.

"That fact is not thrilling, but it was bound to get out. We are two very famous people," I tell her.

"The reports aren't about you and her." Eden rubs his neck awkwardly.

"Let's step outside then, Eden," I suggest.

We head out to the hospital entrance. At one point, I might've lit a pale blue cigarette to help my head pain. But damn, that seems like a distant memory. Eden shows me the bright billboards that light the city:

First Commander June Iparis was rushed to the hospital with abdominal pain! One says. The next says The Elector's secret: is it June Iparis and her soon-to-be kid? The headlines keep flipping.

I turn away and laugh. "No one will believe this malarkey," I tell Eden.

He sighs. "Unfortunately, people do. I get too many questions about June's relationship with Anden..."

I feel my anger rise. "There is no relationship. Only business."

"Daniel, I know that, but others don't! You and June are so private," He says.

"Just because we are the prodigy and the legend doesn't mean we don't have a right to privacy." I run my hands through my hair.

"Sorry, I thought you should know what the people think." Eden pats my back and returns to the hospital.

I sigh. The last thing June needs to worry about is these dumb headlines that are point-blank lying. I take a breath and then tighten my jacket around myself. I start off down the street to clear my head. Sometimes I wish I wasn't Day... Just Daniel. A boy who failed his trial.

Before I knew it, I was in the slums. I always wander back here. It's familiar. It looks like the lake sector.

That's when an unidentified jeep pulls up beside me.

The world goes dark.

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now