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I wake up groggy. I rub my eyes and turn to look at June. She was still peacefully asleep. Her chest rises and falls, and she breathes. I smile and swing out of bed. I put some pants on and go into the kitchen.

I look around. Unopened wedding gifts cover the living room. This still feels weird. I've stayed here many times in the past six months, but it feels odd to wake up and say what is hers is mine.

I start brewing coffee and boiling water. June likes pale purple tea, and I love coffee. I could make breakfast, but we have all day to eat.

I sit at the table and drink my coffee. Something really felt off. I hear a cough. But it wasn't from the bedroom. My ears turn towards the door; my AIS training makes me tune into my surroundings. The slightest sounds make the hair stand up on my neck. I get up and unlock the front door, readying myself for anything.

Two Republic soldiers stood on either side of the door when I opened it. Their eyes widen at me, and they open their mouths like they want to explain, but they don't. They look embarrassed to be here, in front of the First Commandars door. It's like having a lifeguard at the Olympics.

"Well, spit it out, soldiers. Why are you standing around the First Commander's door?" I ask.

"We were given orders to increase security and guard high-ranking officials... uhhh, sir," one of them says, not knowing what to address me as.

"Right, of course. Just be quiet out here. She isn't going to like you guys hanging around." I sigh, go back into the apartment, and shut the door on them.

June can take care of herself; she has the last ten years, but her work line worries me. Being the First Commander puts a high target on your back, and she doesn't seem to notice. I won't lie when I say having the extra protection here is comforting.

I go back to the kitchen, pour the hot water into a teacup, and add a tea bag. I let it steep a little, and then I go into the bedroom. I set the tea on the nightstand next to June.

I gently put my hand on her cheek, "June?" I rub her cheek as she flutters her eyes open.

"Daniel," she murmurs back.

I smile, "I have tea for you."

She sits up, holds the blanket over her, and reaches for the teacup, "What were you doing outside?"

I scold myself. Nothing gets past her; she knows and hears so much. I sigh, knowing I can't lie to her. "Some soldiers have been assigned to protect you. They've increased security," I reply.

She sighs and puts the cup down, "I should be protecting Anden then." I can see the guilt immediately coming over her face at her comment.

"June, if you feel the need to, I won't stop you".

"I know, Daniel." She tries to smile and kisses my cheek.

"So much for relaxing," I laugh and leave the bed.

"You can relax, but the elector and his wife need protection," She says as she starts to get and grab her uniform.

"Oh no, you don't get to miss out on all the fun, my dear." I grab her waist before she puts pants on, and I kiss her. She kisses back and then pulls away and steps into her pants.

She finishes by putting on her military jacket. She looks clean and sharp. Her golden epaulets clink as she puts on her cap. Her red cape flows behind her, and she stands tall. She has always looked sharp in her uniform.

I get dressed with some spare clothes I've left over here since I haven't formally moved in. I don't look as pristine as June, but I make it work.

When I come in, she's in the kitchen talking to someone on a mic. She sounds irritated as she tosses her cup into the sink.

I stood nearby, not speaking, watching her moves. She finally clicks off and then puts a code into a safe. She grabs her gun and puts it into a holster. She hands me one. I look at it and look up at her.

"Have things gotten worse?" I ask, being concerned.

"They attacked the military training facility. Many have been wounded. Some people are saying it was an inside job, too. This can't get any more personal." She sighs and then hands me a gun. "Stay armed, please."

I nod, "I'll be by your side, Sweetheart."

The scene of the attack was brutal. Tess was on site helping with casualties. June started barking orders at men with a clear, calm voice.

"So much for a honeymoon," Tess says, and she bandaged a man's leg.

"Yeah, but oh well. This is June's life," I murmur. She might have married me, but I knew what I was getting into when I married her.

Tess nods and goes back to work. Tess being covered in blood brings flashbacks to us in Lake. Her being sick. I hated that sight, but it was comforting to know it wasn't her own blood.

I look up to June as she comes out of the broken building. She has a man in handcuffs who is struggling against her. She pulls him to his knees and waves me over.

"Watch him. He is under arrest," she orders me.

"He won't leave my site," I reply, staring at the guy.

I assume she goes back into the building, looking for more men.

"I didn't do shit!" The guy says to me.

He was frantic, scared. He looks about 18 or 19.

"Then tell me who did," I ask him.

"Look, I can't say," he says with a raspy voice. "They'll kill my mom if I speak."

The comment about his mom registers with me. The flashback of my own mother being shot.

"No, one will harm your mother. You have my word, but you'll have to answer to someone," I murmur, looking him in the eyes.

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now