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A camera was in my face. A script to the side of it. A gun next to that pointed at me. It will shoot me if I say the wrong things. This feels like Deja Vu. Being used as a pawn. I sat next to Pierce. He had a list of questions. This was supposed to look like an interview.

"Mr.Wing, why did you leave the Republic?" He asks.

"I felt as if I was being forced to rally the Republic people into something I did not agree with," I murmur coldly.

"I see. Why is that?" He suggests.

"The Colonies and the Republic have very different viewpoints. I would make it hard to govern." I reply, knowing that if I make one wrong slip-up, I could be killed. At least June will know I am alive because I am sure she is watching.

"What else would you like the world to know?" He asks me.

"That you, Pierce Jameson, are Andens Stavropoulos, are half-brothers. His father hid this from the world. This means you could be the Elector of the Republic. I thank Mr.Jameson here for taking me in and allowing me to see the truth of the world. That the idea of the United States is a corrupt way to control Republic and Colony citizens." I murmur, sick to my stomach.

"You heard it first here from Daniel Wing. I am Pierce Jameson, and I am challenging Anden for Elector. If I am Elector, I will revert the changes he has put in place!" Pierce says loudly.

Before the camera turns off, I swipe my brow, hoping June is watching and will remember.

When the camera shuts off, I look at Pierce. "You know what damage has just been done?" I yell at him.

"You have just aided me in taking over the Republic." He smirks.

"No one will listen to you. I bet the Republic armies are coming now to get me," I say.

"I wouldn't bet on it, pretty boy. You might as well be dead to them."

"You goddy trot. June knows I'd never turn against her or my nation." I spit at him.

"You won't be an issue again." he puts a gun to my temple, and I close my eyes...

The gun's coldness on my temple makes my throat swell like I can't breathe. I have faced death many times. I was once dead and then alive. I have cheated death so many times that this time, it feels like he really will swallow me into his darkness. I think about June and our baby. I think about Eden and John. I wonder if I die if I'll see John and my mom again.

No, I think to myself, I can't give up. I elbow Pierce hard in the gut. He drops the gun to the floor. It slides on the ground. I watch him eye it and then dive for it. I go after him and tackle him to the floor. Having some strength back, I pin him to the ground with my body and then punch him with my fists.

"You fucker won't win," I say as he struggles underneath me. I reach for the gun and grab it. He gets angry reaches up with his hands, and begins to choke me as I straddle him. I gasped for air, trying to get his hands off of my neck. I take the gun and then hit him over his head, not once but twice, knocking him out.

I quickly get off of him and look around the quiet room. His colleagues would be here soon to transport me. I go and grab an extension cord and then hoast his limp body into the chair I sat in for the interview. I tie him up with the cord. I beat him up pretty well. I searched his pockets and took everything he had.

I start to move down the halls quickly. Listening for any voice or footsteps. Surprisingly, this building seemed empty. It was an eerie feeling. I find a door and shove it open. The sun blinds me. The warmth of the sun feels good. I wish I could bask in it all day, but I need to move. I take off down the street, just running, hoping my mental knee doesn't give out on me. I take off and see people on the road gathered, cheering at the message I just sent out. Some people have already taken to graffitiing the walls. I climb up a fire escape and take to jumping over buildings. I felt like I was too old for this, but when doing this, I felt free. I felt free from the formalities of the Republic and private events.

I jump onto a building and roll. I look around at the city. The jumbo trons and the drones flying around. I need to find a governmental office. I keep scanning the horizon. And in the distance, see a white building. Most governmental buildings were white to show their significance. I crawl down on the fire escape and take off running. I am sure they have found I am gone by now. 

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now