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Living in your parent's legacy sucks. I am fifteen now. When my parents were fifteen, they scaled buildings and created a rebellion. I am sitting in school, bored out of my mind, wondering what life could be besides books and papers. I doodle on my datapad, my hand holding my head up as I barely listen to the teacher speak. Finally, the bell rings, and everyone grabs their bags and piles out the door.

"Grace," the teacher says, looking disappointed at me.

I was used to these looks. I wasn't living up to my legacy of having parents who both passed their trials with in 1500s. I sigh and walk to the teacher's desks. I notice Anthony standing in the hall waiting for me.

"Is something going on at home? You seem distracted," my teacher asks. This teacher taught history. I knew plenty about the history of the Republic. My parents are living historical figures. I remember when we got new data tables that had all the updated history. I was so excited to see my parents' names in the articles. Now I dread it.

I shake my head. "No, everything is fine. Just distracted today."

The teacher nodded, "Tomorrow, you need to pay attention, or I'm sending a message to your parents."

I sigh and nod. I grab my datapad and backpack. I leave the room and meet Anthony outside. We have grown up together. Side by side. He is the only other person who truly understands what it's like to have a parent who is basically famous.

"You are gonna get your ass kicked, Grace" He walks beside me, sighing.

"It wouldn't be the first nor the last time," I shrug.

"Come over after school. I can tutor you," he suggests.

"I don't need to be tutored. I need an escape from the reality that is my life," I sigh.

While we had grown up together, we were total opposites. He was good. Got good grades and was a teacher's pet. On the other hand, I think I live in Day's legacy and not Daniels. Not great grades, defiant, and always picking a fight. Mom thought being in a rebellion was taught. Try raising a rebellious teenager.

"Why don't we head down to the lake sector and catch a drink instead," I suggest, walking on the street next to Tony. I could tell he was nervous, but nodded slowly. I was always getting him into trouble. It caused problems between Mom and Anden. Different parenting styles, I guess.

We get to the local hangout spot where many other teens hid after school to escape their parents or jobs. People light up cigarettes and drink booze. Cigarettes were a hot commodity being banned by Anden as a last act of being president of the United States. Alcohol now just had higher taxes. It is supposed to help make the newer generation healthier. I scoff at thinking we were healthier when a new plague has started.

Someone passes us a cigarette and a bottle of booze in a brown paper bag. I light mine and then take a swing of the booze. It was nasty and sour but hit the spot right. Tony does the same, except he looks like he could vomit. He gulps it down and smiles at me. He is always trying to impress me for some odd reason.

We were on our second bottle of booze. I hiccup and laugh at the other teens trying to fight each other. I watch them. The girl on the left has a weak right knee. I can tell because she favors her left side. Tony watches as well but stupidly gets up and stumbles into the fight.

"Hey, pretty boy! Get the fuck out of here; this is my fight," the girl says and swings at him, hitting him square in the nose.

He grabs his nose, now bleeding, and stumbles back onto me. I clench my fists, get up, and swipe her knee.

"Keep your hands off of him, you goddy trot," I yell, trying not to slur my words being drunk. She falls and stares at me in disbelief. I took her out that fast. I helped Tony, who was bleeding heavily out of his nose. I hold him up, and we leave into the streets. We both know better than to go home.

We sat in an alleyway. I stopped his nose from bleeding. I put my head on his shoulder and hiccup up some stale booze. I sigh. I am sure both our parents are freaking out trying to find us.

"Aren't I supposed to be the one protecting you?" He says his voice is small.

I shrug. "You weren't made to fight, but it's in my blood, Tony."

He looks at me with need. He has looked at me like this before, and it's made my heart flutter. Every time he does it, I shove it aside and distract myself. But this time, the alcohol was talking, and I had no fucks left to give.

He leans down and kisses me. His lips taste stale, cheap alcohol, cigarettes, and dried blood. My kisses grow heavy, and I climb into his lap and wrap my arms around him. He kisses me with a fiery passion. Tomorrow at school is going to be awkward...

We lay on the street. The rain starts to pour down. It was dark now. Early morning, I'm sure. The booze had worn off, and the hangover set in. My head pounded. I'm sure Anthony's face hurt like a bitch too. Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard the screeching of tires and the halting stop of a jeep. Fuck this isn't going to be good.

My dad appears. The lights of the jeep blinded me. I knew they'd find us eventually. I hold my hand up over my eyes to shield myself from the lights. Anthony bolts awake, and I can tell he is panicked.

My dad walks to us. "What the goddy fuck, Grace," He says in a calm, stern manner and shakes his head. He grabs my arms and pulls me up from the alleyway. I stand, and he grabs Tony, then looks at his nose and sighs.

"You smell like booze and cigarettes," My dad says, walking us to the jeep. We both slide into the back seat. Tony looks like he might die of embarrassment. I open my mouth as if to speak and then close it, only sighing.

"You're lucky I found you and not your mother, Grace." He adjusted the mirror to see me in the back seat. "This is getting old. Sneaking off. Drinking. Smoking. You are going to end up a criminal."

"Says you," I scoff at him, reminding him of his past.

He stares at me. "Damn it, Grace, my past has nothing to do with the present. We can only do so much to protect you. And as for you, Anthony, I'm taking you to the hospital. Your nose is clearly broken."

"Yes, sir. I'll send for my father when we get there then," Anthony says in the back seat, ashamed.

My dad drops him off at the hospital and then goes to take me home. I fall asleep in the backseat, only to be slightly awoken by my dad carrying me inside to my bed. He pulls the covers over me, and I can hear him whisper, "I love you, Grace, but what are we going to do." I fall asleep in the safety of my own bed.

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now