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I sat in my office in battella hall. I stared at my computer long enough I was getting a small pain in the back of my eyes, meaning I needed to stop my research of the Jameson family. However, that was hard when I'd come to find much out that I doubted Anden would be pleased with. I rub my head. This whole thing is a huge mess. I have access to restricted documents and things far from the past. I've spent three days doing nothing but looking and plotting the next move.

I slowly move the mouse across the screen and click at random. Being upset with the whole situation and feeling helpless. I finally stand up and stretch. My bladder was only so big now, so I headed to the bathroom, trying to take as long as possible. I had nothing else to do with my time. No motivation.

When I come back from my small break, I shake the mouse, and the screen lights back up. I started reading again. My eyes widen at what I see. We recently received the birth certificates of the Colonies' people, so we can start to file everyone in one system.

Right there before my eyes. A Pierce Jameson. She had a son in the Colonies no one knew about. I start reading. I click on his DNA test from the Colonies. His father says unknown. I click a few more times to run his DNA through the Republic's database, and there is a match. It was standard for the government to collect DNA from their people to match to crimes... to track you, so to speak.

I feel myself jumping from my chair and running down the hall. My men look at me wide-eyed as I barge into Anden's office. Out of breath, I put my hands on my knees, my stomach in the way.

"Commander June?" Anden says, and another representative looks at me. "I wasn't expecting you. Is everything okay? Should I send for Dr. Tess?"

I catch my breath hearing him refer to Tess as a doctor, he was being formal around the representative. "I am fine, thank you. But I found something you need to see."

"Well, alright," he dismisses the representative and follows me to my office.

He stares at my computer screen that says Pierce Jameson is his half-brother, and his father is Jameson's father.

"What the hell is this June?"

"Pierce is Natasha's son she had in the colonies... his DNA matches part of yours and your father's meaning... You have a half-brother that kidnapped Daniel."

"That can't be... My father loved my mother, or so I thought. I bet she had no idea since he was born in the Colonies." Anden says. The look on his face says it all.

"What do you expect to do now because technically he could compete to take office from you?" I murmur to him quietly.

"We both know that won't happen. He, as far as I am concerned, is nothing more than a criminal. This doesn't get spoken about, June," He says to me in a stern, quiet voice. "I need to head home. You should, too. Take care of your goddy self." He grabs my mouse and clicks erase from the database.

I just nod, and he turns to leave. His walk is slow and heavy. You can tell he hasn't slept much with the new baby. I haven't slept because every time I get Daniel back, I lose him.

I get in my jeep, and the officers take me home. When I arrived home, Eden stood on my doorstep with takeout. He looked tired as hell. His purple eyes looked dull and had no life to them. I walked up the steps and then noticed he had a suitcase with him. I look at him and say nothing as I scan my hand on the door, and it unlocks, letting us in. He followed me, picking up the suitcase and taking it out. He then looks around the once again filthy house.

"June..." He says.

I already knew where this conversation was leading. That I need to take care of myself. I need to prepare for the baby and so on. How could I do any of that when I wasn't happy?

"June, I am moving in to help you," He says and sets the takeout on the table. "Seeing you like this, no one likes. We don't know what to do, so this is the solution we came up with."

"Who are we?" I get a fork and grab the takeout.

"Tess, Pressa, Anden and Pasco."

"Oh great, because I need a babysitter." I roll my eyes.

"Damn it, June!" He slams his fist down and makes me jump, as Eden has never been violent or angry. "We are heartbroken too that Daniel is gone, but fuck June, you aren't thinking like yourself. You don't think I am suffering too, not having my brother here?" He snaps.

He was right. I've been acting selfish. I have been focused on one thing, and that is getting Daniel back.

"What if Daniel doesn't come back?" He murmurs on the verge of tears.

"I don't know... Fuck Eden, I don't know," I sigh. "You are right; I haven't been looking at the bigger picture. I need to get my shit together."

He nods. "And I'm here to help... tomorrow though, 'cause I am too tired to start cleaning."

I smile slightly at his joke.

Later in the night, I take a long shower. I let the water run down over my changing body. Every day I feel bigger and more swollen. To think this whole time I have been pregnant, but I haven't even thought once about the baby, really. I feel so disconnected from being a mother. My parents were never around; it was always Metias and me against the world. He would be proud of me, I hope. Metias would talk about how my mother would care for me when I was a baby before she was killed. They it was up to Metias. He was a good parent and brother.

After the shower, I dry off and then crawl into bed. I hope for sleep, but it never comes. The only thing that comes is sirens blaring outside my house. Flooding is the only thing I can think of right now.

I get up quickly, and Eden runs into my room. I toss a gun at him from the safe. He looks up and down at me.

"Where are you going," He asks.

"I am the First Commander. I need to be informed on situations like this," I reply and tug on my boots.

"Fine, but I am coming with." He takes the gun and follows me to the jeep.

We get to Batalla Hall, and Anden is already there. Troops already stand ready.

"Fuck" I murmur under my breath as I show the security guard my ID and head into the building.

Anden meets me, and I follow him into a debriefing room. Everyone looked tired. Bags under people's eyes and unmade hair. Anden was unbelievably unmade, with a half-button-up shirt, a little vomit from Anthony. He was living in parenthood.

We sit down, and Anden speaks, " I am sorry to wake everyone, but we sounded the alarms for two reasons. Flooding and this...." He turns on the screen, and Daniel is on it.

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now