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We get to the hospital. They check us into a room, and I'm hooked up to all these monitors. Daniel paces back and forth. He was more anxious than me, and I am the one giving birth.

"Day...sorry, Daniel, quit it," I say, slipping up being stressed.

He looks at me when I say his old nickname, "Sorry, I just don't want to lose you."

"Why would you lose me?" I say, walking over and kissing him.

"It's just scary... all of this. The hospital," He sighs.

I know what he means. Being in a hospital normally is bad for us. But the time it's different.

Tess shows up along with Eden and Pressa

"Hell yeah! Let's have a baby," Tess says excitedly.

I shake my head at her as I feel a contraction and breathe through it.

A few hours pass. I was progressing nicely. I was 8 centimeters dilated. The doctor said it would be go-time anytime now. Daniel shoos the others out and comes back to me. He grabs my hand and rubs my back as I wince through a contraction.

"OOO. Fuck, Daniel. This is your fault" I wince as he rubs my back.

"It takes two to tango, sweetheart. Just breathe. Soon our baby will be here" He smiles.

His smiles anger me because of how much pain I am in, but he is right. Our baby will be here soon.

I start to cry as another contraction comes on. "I wish Metias was here."

"I know, sweety," Daniel kisses my forehead "he'd be proud of you."

I cry, thinking about how my brother isn't here and how my Mom isn't. Daniel's Mom isn't either.

The doctor says, "Alright, let's look at how we are progressing... 10 centimeters. It's time, June."

I nod, and Daniel grabs my hand. He places a cold towel on my forehead and gets Tess, who grabs my other hand.

"Alright, Push June," Tess says.

I push. I bare down and push. I cry. I squeeze Daniels's hand. Tess cheers. Daniel looks in tears. I grunt as I push hard and grit my teeth. I hear Metias in my head, "Come on, Junebug, you've got this."

This makes me push harder. I start to sob.

"June! You're almost there. Your crowning," Tess says with joy.

I squeeze Daniels's hand and push one last time.

All I hear is white noise and the cries of my baby. I start crying, feeling relief as I know the baby is here and safe. Tess cries with me.

I watch Daniel cut the cord, and the baby gets put onto my chest.

I look at the pink baby who was crying loudly.

"Grace," I cry, looking at Daniel, who is also crying.

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now