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Six months ago, Daniel asked me to marry him. It feels weird and unreal that today was the day. Not that long ago, Daniel didn't remember me. We rekindled our love when I was in Ross City. When in Ross, he asked me to marry him. The butterflies in my stomach that day felt like no other. I am sure he felt the same when he slid the ring onto my finger, resembling a paper clip woven together. I know his memories come back little by little. The more time we spend together, the better his memories have gotten. I am lucky; one night in Ross, we spent the night together, and he told me he remembered the details of our first night together ever.

Tess and Pressa were pinning my hair back into an updo and doing my makeup. They wanted it to be perfect. I don't blame them for wanting me to look perfect. White eyeshadow and soft red lipstick. I watch as they put it on me in the mirror. I'm sure Pasco and Eden are doing the same to Daniel, though. Making sure he looks perfect.

I look up in the mirror at my olive skin and the light makeup on my face. I smile at the girls.

"It looks great," I say and tilt my face.

"Good, 'cause it took forever, so no crying," Tess jokes and then brings a box over. "This necklace is a must," she smiles and clasps it around my neck.

I look up again into the mirror. "Daniel gave me this. How did you find it?" I blush.

"I can't say," She smiles.

I stare at it. The ruby-red jewels glisten in the light of the vanity. He gave me this over ten years ago.

I kept it locked in a jewelry box, afraid to open it. I didn't want the memories to flood back. However, it feels nice to have it on my wedding day. A piece of the past that felt good and was a good memory.

"June, come on, we have to get you into your dress," Pressa says, grabbing a large white, poofy, sparkly ball gown.

Don't get me wrong, I like the dress, but the ball gown wasn't my idea, and it wasn't Daniel's either. He would've picked out a mermaid-style gown if he had his way. Pasco and Tess insisted I go all out for this. You should only get married once.

I get up and duck down so Tess and Pressa can roll the gown down over my head. Once the dress is on, I hold it up while the girls lace the corset. They pull it tight, and it makes me let out a breath.

I sit on the bed, and they put simple white shoes on my feet that are different than my normal boots. I stand back up and look in the mirror again. I've been in fancy gowns before and have gone to balls, but this felt different. The wedding started at 1300 hours. It was 1200.

"We need to leave to get to the banquet hall," I say with anxiety in my voice.

"The limo is here, don't worry," Pressa says, grabbing our bags.

Tess starts to push me out the door, "Let's go. I'll call the boys to make sure Daniel is ready." She shuts the door behind us.

We get to the banquet hall. I look around at all the chairs and the flower decorations and candles. We wanted a small wedding, but when the prodigy and the legend get married... it isn't much of a minor deal. It's a huge deal. We might be having a bigger wedding than Anden and Faline did.

Tess tugs on my arm, which brings me out of thought, "Come on, 30 minutes till showtime. You have to hide. Daniel will be here," she drags me into a small room and then leaves. I assume she is going to greet guests arriving. Pressa stays with me, spraying more hair spray and touching up on makeup.

They don't want me to see Daniel before the ceremony starts, which makes me happy they care about little details like that.

Finally, it was time.

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now