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I saw this going differently. I really did.

My own men held me captive at Anden's own rebuilt home. I wonder where Daniel was. When I left the hospital with Anden and Faline, he and our jeep weren't around. My soldiers point their rifles at me and Anden. I watched their every move. They were nervous. There was a reason I was First Commander.

"Stop this madness!" Anden shouted angrily.

"No, I want you dead! And I want it to look like Iparis did it!" Faline hisses and holds a gun up.

"This is nonsense. No one would believe I shot Anden!" I shouted back and watched her now. She had lost it. Faline wasn't the sweet, quiet girl we once all knew. She was hysterical now and lost, and she pointed a gun between Anden and me.

"You are pregnant with our kid! Stop this, and I will pardon you," Anden pleads to her, pain lining his eyes.

"Having a kid was part of the plan. It gives me immunity to be the Elector." She says, "With you dead, I'll be able to restore this county back to how it was," She finishes and laughs a methodical laugh.

"We are rebuilding what has been destroyed!" I snarl.

She grabs a soldier's gun and points it at Anden. "I'm done talking! He is trying to rebuild more than just what is in the Republic." She puts her finger on the trigger, and Anden's hands shoot up above his head. Faline was shaking as she stood, pointing a gun at Anden. I look at Anden and nod.

I head-butt the guy holding me. I feel him gasp as he winces in pain. He lets go of me, and in a quick second, I grab his gun, shoot him, and run to tackle Faline. The guards try to shoot me but miss terribly. I move too fast. I made contact with her and pushed her to the ground as gently as I could. As I roll with her on the ground, her gun gets knocked to the side. She swings at me but misses me, as her fighting skills are not on par with mine. She starts hysterically crying.

"It wasn't supposed to be this way," She sobs.

Anden takes the chance to do the same thing to his guard and knock him out. He grabs a nearby gun and shoots the last two guards. I hear sirens outside and helicopters. Daniel must've figured out what was going on.

"I don't want to hurt you, Faline. Quit struggling! You're not a fighter!" I pull her off the ground and pin her to a wall making sure I don't hurt her.

The doors open, and Daniel is leading soldiers behind him, which was a sight to see.

"I need handcuffs," I say, holding her.

He tosses me some as the other soldiers go to check on Anden. He brushes them off and says he is fine. He looks somberly at Faline. The pain in Anden's eyes was like no other.

I cuff Faline and lead her to a military transport.

Daniel follows and grabs me after I put her in the jeep.

He hugs me tightly, "I thought I had lost you for real this time."

"I'm still here," I say, wiping the blood off my forehead from shooting the man. Metias said there were a few reasons to kill, and I hope this was the right one.

"I know. Quit endangering yourself", he tries to joke to lighten the mood.

"I try not to..."

Weeks go by before the people of the Republic settle. People were outraged. A lot of them didn't know the full story. They just know Faline tried taking mine and Andens's life. Some speculate that a pregnant woman could never and that it was just a scam so I could be with Anden. It definitely is not that. Mine and Anden's relationship was long over; now I just need to protect him and be a listening ear for new ideas about the Republic. Anden had chosen to not share the full details surrounding what happened with his own wife. A traitor to our glorious nation. Faline was to be tried as a traitor. Once she gives birth, she will be executed much to Anden's disagreement. I had a slight suspicion about her intentions. She had grown distant and weird in the following months. I don't think she was acting totally alone, though. I think she is working with a big group of rebels, and she was there to get close with high-ranking officials. Daniel had mentioned that the prisoner he captured had mentioned something about the United States. There were so many open questions that hadn't been answered.

I glanced over at Daniel, who was asleep in bed next to me. His chest falls and rises as he breathes. I slide out of bed and sit in the bathroom. It was late, 0200 hours to be exact. I felt sick. I rub my forehead and reach for some painkillers. Before I could grab them off the bedside table, I felt my stomach rumble, and my throat tighten. I rush to the bathroom. I start throwing up into the toilet.

That's when I feel Daniel behind me. He puts his hand on my back, "Do you need anything?" He asks.

I wipe my mouth and sit on the floor. "Water," I murmur.

He leaves and then comes back and hands me a glass of water.

"You're never sick, June." He sits next to me, and I sip the water.

"I ate something bad. I'll be better in the morning." I set the glass aside and put my head on his shoulder.

"Come on, let's get you back to bed." he reaches around me and picks me up.

"I swear I'm alright," I smile at him.

He shakes his head, "Rest, sweetheart. You push yourself too much sometimes." He sets me back in the bed.

I fall back asleep in no time. In his arms, feeling safe. 

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now