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Here we go again. Another day of being locked in this cell. Another day to try and escape. It sucks being stuck in a cell every day. The colors on the wall fade, and the light becomes dim. I missed the sun. I missed Eden and his colorful eyes. I miss Tess' strawberry blonde hair. I missed June. God, I missed June. Her scent. Her eyes. Her smile. Her laugh. It's like I've lost her all again, and that's what sucks about this experience. I got her back to lose her again.

The door opens, and two men walk in.

"Get up. We are moving you," one says.

"Moving me? As if I have a choice," I glare.

I had been waiting for this moment. If I can get enough strength, I can take on both of them.

One of them grabs me and puts zip ties tight around my wrists. The other leaves to get the truck they were going to move me in. While he is distracted is my chance.

He drags me outside. The sun blinds me as I have been in the darkness for so long. I Listen for the truck; this is how I know the other guard is occupied. I bring my arms above my head and then slam them down over my knee, breaking the plastic zip ties. In one swift move, I swing back around and punch the guard square in the face.

"Fuck!" He cries and shakes his head.

I smirk and punch his face again, breaking his nose. He tries to grab me this time, but being quick on my feet, I take off towards the city noise.I think about the time June taught me how to fight; even while being ill, she still kicked my ass.

I run like I haven't run before. Hopefully, this knee replacement isn't rusty. I heard the truck stop and them yell. Maybe I shouldn't have run. But I needed to survive.

I breathe heavily as I run; being malnourished didn't help this either. I hear gunshots off in the distance from where I ran. I booked it into the city. I hated the Colonies and vaguely remembered being here when June was sick. I spot a parking garage and take shelter under it for cover.

I sit in the abandoned parking garage until sleep overcomes me. Being out of shape and malnourished takes a toll on you.


Music. It's all I hear when I come, too. I rub my eyes and look around. God damn it. Pierce stares me right in the eyes and gives a crackling laugh.

"You really think you could escape that easily? You have a tracker implanted in you. You fall asleep too often, my friend." He turns down the radio that was playing music.

"You sick bastard." That is all I could say in defeat. He knew I was tired and malnourished.

"Got nothing snarky to say from the profaned Daniel Wing? That's what I thought." He grabs me by my dirty shirt collar. "You are a fucking fool Daniel Wing, and you and Junebug will pay," he spits. "It's funny they don't even know Jameson had a son. They think I am some wannabe. I am the real deal, full-blood Jameson like my mother." He laughs more and throws me down.

Two different men come over and drag me back into a new box truck. I felt defeated, for sure. Stuck like I wasn't ever going to escape. My best bet was to wait for help.

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now