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I wake up in a cell. Shit, I grab my head. I haven't had a headache like this in years... I look around and rub my eyes, adjusting to the dim light. It's like I was in a cellar. It smelled of mold and dampness. I realize I'm chained to the wall and sigh. I'm not getting out as quickly as I thought I would.

I yank on the chains, and they don't budge. Damn, I think. How long have I been out for?

After I woke, the weeks of torture began—the threats of death and hurting my family. I didn't know who my kidnappers were. There were 3 of them, as far as I knew. I felt vulnerable. They knew everything about me. June. Eden. Something tells me my past life was coming to haunt me.

The only thing I hear other than water dripping is the radio. Anden is talking, begging for my return on the radio. The news on June and the baby. Edens accomplishments of the weeks I've been gone. It keeps me sane. Reminding me I've been through worse. I've counted all the cracks on the wall seven times over now. Boredom overtakes you, and you'll find nothing to do. At Least June is safe.

I hear the door open and then footsteps. My hearing has become great. I think I understand how Eden felt—being in the dark with little light.

"Pitty. Look at you, Daniel. The nation's poor boy finally has fallen," a male voice spits.

"Ha. He looks so broken," a girl says.

I look up at them, squinting. "You haven't won anything. Don't celebrate."

"Oh, we got a sense of humor, do we?" A different female's voice says.

The male rubs his temples. "Will you two shut up? We aren't here to have a conversation with him."

"Umm, yes we are, Pierce.... Oops," One of the girls says.

She was blonde. Her hair is long and up in a ponytail. She wore bright red lipstick and spoke with a ditsy-like attitude.

His name. I know his name now. I can hear his disappointment as his shadow rubs his forehead.

"Fools. I'm working with a bunch of fools." He says and turns towards me. "We are moving you. It's your lucky day, Danny boy."

I scoff at him using the nickname Danny, "Lucky me, I guess."

He unchained the shackles. If I had any fight in me, I would've knocked his teeth out. But not eating in a few days, being covered in your own blood and piss, and being thirsty. Excuse me, as I don't have it in me to be heroic.

I fall to the ground, uneasy on my feet. The girls support my sides and lead me out of the room. Colonies flag hung in the room.

"Are we in the colonies?" I murmur some.

"You could say that, but in your vision, this is the United States," Pierce says.

"So that's what this is about...." I scoff as my eyes adjust to the light as they bring me out of my cell.

I look up at Pierce. June would be analyzing every part of him, but I can only put my finger on his face, looking familiar. Blonde hair, blue eyes. It almost reminded me of myself, at least in the looks department.

They load me up in a box truck. Pierce sits in the back with me as the girls shut the back and lock it. You can hear the truck's doors slamming, and the engine start up. We then start moving—the back rocking as we proceed down the road. I wonder why they haven't asked me or anything—just empty threats. I look up at Pierce as he takes a flask and sips it. The sadness in his eyes. Broken, he indeed was. I shouldn't have sympathy or even want answers from him, but here I am wondering. Who hurt him?

He looks up and passes me the flask. "It's not water, but I am sure it will do."

I grab it, my hands still cuffed. I bring it to my lips and drink. The taste of sour mixed with dry blood on my lips.

"So, what exactly do you want from me?" I finally ask and drink again.

He laughs. "You think everything ended with Faline? While she lost her shit by the end of it and went off plan, this is a rebellion. Much like the one you had led and helped. No one here wants to be united with the Colonies. The people who killed their mothers and fathers. Brothers and sisters."

"The Republic had done just that to its own flesh and blood. Experiments on children and killed innocent people. Why would you wish for that hell to be brought back? War is a complicated thing on both sides. But a nation shouldn't hurt its own," I murmur.

"You think Anden has done anything to help this nation?" He shakes his head.

"He has done better than the last few ones. Politics has never been my thing. But I know politicians will never be perfect, and there will always be dirty ones."

Pierce grabs the flask back from me and chugs it in one swig. "You'll never get it. You were pardoned for your crimes. The Wing name will never be tarnished like mine."

His last comment struck me as odd. He was surely talking about my past life. Which still can be fuzzy. But I gathered that this rebellion is more than just a few rag-tag people. They had a plan, and Faline wasn't the end of it, just as June and Anden suggested. I had no way to warn the others. Their plan must be to either try and sway me to their side or keep me hidden so I can't get the nation on board with the idea of joining the Colonies. Too bad neither was going to work, and I will make my escape.

The truck comes to a stop a few hours later. I hear voices: the two girls and a few more. The back door opens, and Pierce steps out. Leaving me to look around at the others.

Pierce speaks and shakes some hands. "Pierce Jameson. It's a pleasure to do business."

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now