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Ps. I had a hard conflict writing this chapter. There is a very graphic sex scene. Skip if you don't wish to read it. I will put a warning before and when it is over. But it is like 90% of the chapter. (I will mention it's not like super graphic, but it is very intimate. I tried to make it loving and not just smutty) I had a hard time with this because I idol Daniel and June; however, when your heart says these two characters deserve an intense moment like this. You listen.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. The baby was kicking me. To think that two months ago, I could have been dead. That I wouldn't be here now, being kept awake by a kicking baby. Most people would be upset, but I am happy. Alive. Happy to be alive. It's a reminder not to take days for granted.

Daniel lies next to me. On his side facing away from me. His breathing is slow and steady as he sleeps. I know if I move, he will get up, concerned. So I stay here. Staring at the ceiling of our bedroom. I have analyzed every part of this room now. Being on bed rest would do that to you. After having surgery, the doctor said if I didn't go on bed rest, I could stress the baby and deliver pre-term. I should have been doing this from the beginning, but I wasn't. Every day I will live with the burden that I put my unborn child in more harm's way than most.

The time passes, and finally, Daniel turns over to me and stares at me. His blue eyes look like the ocean, and his golden hair glows in the room's darkness. The sun shines slightly through the curtains. He grabs me and pulls me closer to him.

"Sweetheart," he raises his eyebrow, "did you sleep?"

"What would you do if I said no" I tap his nose and chuckle some.

"Well, I think I would start by kissing you" He leans in to kiss me, but I move out of the way.

I throw the covers over his face and slide out of bed. "You'll have to catch me, Daniel," I laugh.

"Hey! You can't get that far" he says, his voice muffled by the blanket. He eventually untangles himself from the covers and follows me down the hall.

He eventually grabs me from behind, turns me around, and kisses me passionately.

"Caught you," he smirks.

"Oh, officer, whatever will I do" I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek.

Moments like these make me believe we have a normal life. No Republic. No politics. No natural disasters. It also makes me more vulnerable than I wish to be. He always catches me off guard. I look up into his deep blue eyes. I think about the time in the train car when we were 15 and fugitives.

"Day leans in toward me. He reaches up to touch my face. I can tell it still hurts him to use his fingers, and his nails are dark with dried blood. "You're brilliant," he says. "But you're a fool to stay with someone like me."

I close my eyes at the touch of his hand. "Then we're both fools.".

I snap out of my daydream, and Daniel kisses me again and picks me up. We are definitely still fools. But fools who are in love.

I kiss him back and wrap my arms around him, and he carries me back to our room and gently puts me on the bed. His fingers linger at the hem of my shirt for a moment before pulling it over my head. He then yanks off my pajama bottoms and tosses them aside. I watch as he meticulously plans his next move. He examines my ever-changing body. I blush, wanting to cover up. Being ashamed of all my scars and old wounds. My stretch marks too. He notices my change in demeanor and looks at me.


"June, I'll love you always. Scars, stretch marks..." He begins to kiss me again and starts to go down my neck. Savoring every kiss as he moves down. He gets to my breasts which were swollen and more sensitive. He goes and starts at the top of one and kisses down them until he reaches my nipple, which he puts in his mouth. I jump from the sudden wetness upon my nipple. His eyes look up at me to see how I respond so he can prepare for his next move.

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now