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I tug at my tuxedo. Eden slaps my hand away and shakes his head. He and Pasco spent so much time getting me ready. He did not want me to mess up my tux.

I'm so nervous, though. I've done public speeches before, and heck even rallied a nation. But this was different. This felt unreal. Ten years of being unable to hold a relationship because I had already given my heart to someone. That someone is June.

I stood before all these people whom I didn't know but supported us. I'm glad Tess and Pasco could be here. Eden and Pressa, too. I wish Mom and John could be there. I know June wants Metias to be here to walk her down the aisle. The past pains me, but today was a step forward into the future.

I look up as the chatter in the crowd settles, and the officiate blows into the microphone. He welcomes everyone; at this point, Eden leaves the room to be with the others at our wedding party. Of course, he was the best man.

Music starts to play, and the doors open. I look up at the clock, right on time. June doesn't like to be late.

Pasco walks Tess down the aisle, and then comes Eden and Pressa.

The officiate tells everyone to rise, and they do so.

Then the doors open, and the music starts to play again.

Outcomes June in all her glory. Her eyes were glowing, and she had a small smile on her face as she walked. I could've cried watching her.

She reaches the end and takes her place next to mine.

The ceremony starts with the officiate. He asks me to read my vows to her. I pull out a piece of paper and look up into her golden eyes.

"June. Most people would say we have an interesting love story. To me, you were a missing piece in my life. You are the reason I couldn't love another girl even though I couldn't remember who you were, really. The first time I saw you in a skitz fight, I knew then you were special. We gave each other paperclip rings. I wore mine even though I couldn't remember who gave it to me. I just knew it was special. You are special. You drive me insane, June, and I remember I've said that to you before. I don't know how I got the courage to ask you to marry me, but here we are. I've always loved you, June, and now I can properly say you're mine," I finish and tuck the paper away. I looked up, and June was trying to hold back tears.

The officiate then tells June to read her vows. Tess hands her a small notebook, and she opens it.

"Daniel, at one point, I told myself love was illogical, and it has consequences. I gave you up because I promised I would be good to you. At one point, I asked why the street name Day. You replied something along the lines of Every day is a new day. Well, tomorrow will be a new day. We will start our lives as one instead of a distant memory. I've always loved you as well, even the years spent apart from you. You gave me hope. You gave a nation hope. I said I would spend my life hunting you down, and in a sense, I did because now you will be stuck with me. Forever and always." She says softly and, closes her book, and hands it back to Tess.

Her words blow me away. I was now trying not to cry.

The officiate says some final things, we exchange rings, and then the big kiss.

I lean in and kiss her deeply. She kisses back and then pulls away, blushing. Everyone started cheering and clapping for us. I grab June's hand and lead her down the aisle.

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now