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I came home, and June was on the computer even after I tried to change the passwords on it to keep her from it. She has her brother in her for sure when it comes to technology smarts.

I could see she was writing reports. I knew she had her suspicions about Simon and the uprising. We both do. She told me she thought Simon was meant to die, which means he's not the real leader. She said he didn't think twice about blowing up the house and killing himself. I don't doubt her, but I need her to heal more before returning to work. She is such a workaholic.

She looks up at me, her eyes kind of red from staring for so long, "How was trying to track down the fugitives?"

"It was fine; we aren't any closer than we were yesterday." I run my hand through my hair and shrug. Was this what married life was supposed to be? Empty conversations and worry?

"I got something for you." She hands me a datapad with a list of bars in the slums. "There was a report of a skitz fight that went wrong, and dust bombs got used. My men just sent me this report; it has one of the guys you're looking for signatures on it. There is a bar nearby, I thought you could go ask around."

"This will be helpful, but it has to wait until tomorrow." I smile at her and then head into the kitchen and get a glass of water. I sip the water and stare out the apartment window into the setting sun. The streets call to me sometimes. I never thought I would be here right now, living in the moment with June.

I turn back to June, and she goes back to typing away. I watch her a little before slipping into our room and out the back door onto the balcony.

I sit on the edge, perfectly balanced, looking at the hazy skies. Smog littered the sky from factories and pollution. Antartice had pictures of what the bright United States used to look like with beautiful national parks. Maybe one day we can make this happen again and see the beauty of nature.

After some time, I swing myself onto the roof. I used to do things like this every day on the streets. Now, I don't need to, but something inside me tells me also. I jump to the next roof and swing down to the next balcony. Once on the street, I find myself running.

The streets are cleaner than when I lived on them. There are fewer homeless. Homes are being rebuilt, and more stores are popping up. The Republic wasn't as bad as it was. Anden was really trying to make a better future.

Before I knew it, I was on the streets of the lake sector—my old home.

Some homes still stood and were being renovated. I walk along the street until I come across mine. It looks sort of the same, but it had been remodeled and cleaned up—no red X.

I open the door and step in. There was nothing left. I don't know what I expected, though. I would walk in and find Mom and John. No, that's all in the past. They are gone.

I wonder if June has the same thoughts about her brother. She never brings him up.

My phone rings. I jump and feel my heartbeat rise as if I were doing something illegal. It was June.

"Where are you? You left without saying anything," She says.

"I'm on my way home. Don't worry, sweetheart," I reply and click off the call to head back to our fancy apartment. To leave the past behind.

I lay in bed with June. Her cast scrapes against my leg as I attempt to hold her in my arms. She reaches for a pill bottle and some water. She is on painkillers for her leg. I remember the time she helped give me a bath when we joined the Patriots. That day, I could have taken her that in the bathroom; her lips burned me as we kissed; of course, she was keeping track of the time. This memory was one that stayed in my head. I still sometimes wonder what would have happened if we had gone through with that plan of killing Anden.

When June is finished taking her pain pills, she turns towards me and kisses me.

"It's been three months." She says.

"Since your accident, I know?"

"I'm not talking about that." She laughs.

I realize what she is saying, my cheeks flush red. She normally doesn't communicate her feelings like this. I look at her, and then her cheeks flush red too.

"First off, you drive me insane. Second off, I don't want to hurt you. Third off, The doctor said no strenuous activities." I say.

She rolls her eyes, "Really, That's what's stopping you? Your being injured did almost stop you that one time in the patriot's bathroom." She crosses her arms.

"Oh, now it's a challenge, huh?" I go and hover over her and bring my lips down to hers. She wraps her arms around my back. I start to kiss down her neck. She pulls at the hem of my shirt and then pulls it off. I reach for her pants and yank them down, being gentle with her leg. I go and unfashion my belt and take it off. I go back down and kiss her more, trailing down her body. She always looks beautiful. She closes her eyes, and her mouth gapes open some and lets off a soft moan.

As things really start getting heated, our comlinks start going off.

I pull away. Heavy breathing and look at her. She was heavy breathing and had a look of anger on her face. Somehow, both our jobs manage to ruin moments like this. She just nodded at me to answer the call. 

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now