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It has been hell trying to catch these guys and, on top of that, being unable to contact June. I know she was having surgery on her leg, and I want to be there for her more than anything right now.

"Daniel?" Anden says, pulling me back to reality.

"Yeah, sorry. Just thinking," I murmur.

"Well, June is coming back today. I'm sending military transports to get her. She needs to be updated on what's going on." Anden says, making me perk up in my seat.

"Of course. She'll know every detail. I'm sure she already has plans herself." I smile and leave, trying not to show my true emotion on how I felt about June returning now that she was healed. She now could protect herself.

I watch June get off the plane. She is walking and standing tall. She is wearing her uniform, and it looks as pristine as ever. A red cape flows behind her. Her boots shined. Her white gloves are white as snow. She comes to me, grabs my hand, and squeezes it.

"I'm alright. My leg is better than ever, " June smiles up at me. Her golden eyes are free of pain, and she actually looks joyful. The light returned to her.

"Good, but I'm sorry you must return to such a mess. We've had small rebellions. Monuments being blown up and riots." I reply as we enter the jeep.

"I know; I've been trying to keep up to date and have some ideas. We need daily reports of what every soldier did or did in their day. We need trusted men who have been cleared to protect what is left. Except I don't know who to trust if it is an inside job," She sighs.

"We know. I've got all three of the guys we've been looking for. No one has interrogated them yet. I thought I'd leave that up to you... Commander." I smirk.

She smiles and looks out the window of the jeep.

We arrive at Batalla Hall. June goes in first, and I follow. Her boots clicked on the tile floor. She stood so tall as she arrived at the prison wing. She waves the guards away and enters the cell. I can hear her asking questions through the walls. The men answered her quietly. I arrested these men a few days ago, and they had left her for June to interrogate herself.

She comes back out of the cell, and she looks furious. "Guards take his food and water away, and someone tells me where the Elector is." She starts storming down the hall. "Someone get me a jeep, too!". She walks fast; men salute her and then go back to their work. Some of them were even surprised to see her.

I catch up to her, "June, slow down!"

"It is someone in his close circles. I need to protect him, Daniel." She hops in a jeep.

I jump in after her, "Maybe a senator?" I suggest and shrug. I try not to be jealous that she feels the need to protect Anden. He is the elector, after all, and it was her job. However, a part of me feels hurt she doesn't feel the same about protecting me or even Eden.

"I don't know, but I get the feeling it is someone close to him. Where is he now?"

"With Faline at some doctor's appointment. She is like seven months pregnant now."

She nods and speeds off to the hospital. I remember spending a lot of time here. I bet Tess is here tending to all the injured. Faline has grown more distant, and Anden has spoken openly about his distaste that his wife is growing away from him. To be fair, he is dedicated to his work as well.

June stops the jeep in front of the hospital, hops out, and goes inside.

I follow behind her, "Hey, I'm going to look around," I murmur.

She nods back at me and heads for the elevator.

I turn around and go back to the jeep and take it. Something didn't feel right. This felt like a setup. I drive back to Batalla.

I enter Batella Hall and go to the prison wing.

The guards look up at me, "Mr. Wing?"

"Let me see this prisoner," I murmur. They hesitate some and then nod.

They open the door and let me in. The guy had dry blood on his face and new blood. It's probably from June hitting him, which wouldn't be surprising.

He looks up, "If it isn't the nation's best criminal." His voice croaks from being crying.

"I've been pardoned for my crimes, unlike you."

"Still, you are the notorious Day Wing," He says, my old street name making my heart sting.

"Enough games. Tell me, who is trying to kill the elector and all these people so close to him?

He shakes his head, "I'll be killed myself. Why would I tell you anything? I already did what I was supposed to do."

"We can protect you. We can offer you immunity. Stop the killings." I squat down and look into his face. He had green eyes and red hair. His street clothes were caked in dirt and blood.

"No, you can't. You want to watch this hall be blown to bits. That's what we are dealing with," his voice shakes, changing emotions so suddenly.

I grab the guy by his shirt and shake him some. "Just give all the people involved up!"

He cries out, "Damn it think about it! They've all been close to one essential female!"

I put the dots together. Not wanting to believe him. I say the name out loud, "Faline?" I put him back down, and he just nods and slumps back against the wall, feeling defeated.

I widen my eyes and think back to how she had been acting and who had been attacked. It had been people that disagreed with her. It had been people that challenged her. She must have destroyed her own home to make it look like she was a target, a victim. She knew June would come running to save her. She must be jealous of June and Anden's relationship. She is holding onto the past of what once was. June has been a target this whole time...

I look at the prisoner. "Who else is involved!?"

He shakes his head. "I've already said too much! They will kill me!"

I slap him hard, being angry with the world and taking it out on him. "Who else is plotting against the republic?"

He winces, his cheeks red. "Tell your Elector that we will never be the United States again."

I question his comment about the United States; what does he mean? That's when I realized I left June at the hospital.

I hurry out of the cell and order the men to get back up. That Anden and June could be in trouble. 

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now