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I sit in the kitchen. The sun slowly rises and fills the room with sunlight. I take a sip of my coffee, being tired from searching for Grace all night. The other kids are still fast asleep. Metias was now 11, John 8, and lastly Nadia 5. I won't lie when I say we're trying for another. June's age makes it difficult. I'll be happy either way.

I rub my head and finish my coffee, putting it in the sink. June is still at Drake, and I work undercover as a detective. We both enjoy our jobs. We both enjoy life. Eden and Pressa moved to Antarctica. I miss my brother and their kids. I know June misses having Pressa around. Anden and I have been getting into arguments over the kids. Grace is much more like Day than I wish to admit. I think about my old street name and days and sigh.

I get up from the counter and head to mine and June's room. She was asleep but immediately woke up when I entered. She stares at me through the darkness. I can feel her golden eyes burning into my soul as I make my way to our bed. I sit on the side of the bed and throw my shoes off in hopes of catching up on some shut-eye.

She says nothing as I crawl in the bed and under the covers. The warmth of her body calms me. Her quiet demeanor as she scoots closer to me. I push my body against hers and put my face into her neck. Her long brown hair tickles my face. I'm sure the stubble of my unshaven face prickles her neck, but she says nothing. I can tell we are both thinking the same thing about Grace. Where did we go wrong?

I fall back asleep, holding her close to me. We get a few more hours of sleep only to be woken by our youngest at 1000 hours. Nadia opens the door, letting light in, and then climbs into our bed and squeezes between us. She giggles as she stares me in the face. Her breath stinks, and her hair knotted from sleeping. She held onto her stuffed animal, which looked like it was being held together by one thread. June turns over, smirks, and starts to tickle her.

"Who is this in my bed?" She tickles Nadia, and Nadia bursts out in laughter.

"It's me, mommy! Stop it." She cries with joy as June tickles her.

'Who is this me? I don't know a me," June teases more and eventually stops.

"It's me, Nadia," She says and gets in June's face. June plants a kiss on her forehead.

"Well, I think it's time for Nadia to go take a bath, brush her teeth, and get ready for the day," June says, grabbing our daughter and sliding out of the bed.

She returned after 20 minutes, and I was still lying in bed. I was scrolling through our datapad when she walked back in. She sees me and puts her hands on her hips.

"Sweetheart," I smirk.

"Get up, pretty boy." She yanks the covers off of me, and the warmth leaves my body.

I get up and follow her into the bathroom. She slides off her pajamas and starts the water for the shower. I slide off my clothes and toss them in the laundry basket. I stare at her olive skin and look over all her old scars. She elbows me.

"What can I not admire you?" I tease and grab her hand.

"No, you cannot." She smirks.

I lean down and guide her chin up. I kiss her softly and then guide her into the shower.

The water was warm as it hit our bodies. We were silent again. The only sound filling the air was the water falling. The elephant in the room lingered over our heads.

June looks up at me as I wash my hair. "Where did you find her last night?"

"With Anthony" I wash the soap out carefully, trying not to get it in my eyes.

"Don't cover for her, Daniel. You know there is more to that story." She hands me the body wash.

She was right. I had a tendency to cover for Grace. I guess I had a soft spot because she reminds me so much of my old self. Of course, June knows this. She knows everyone's weaknesses.

"I tracked her down to the lake sector where I can only assume she was in a skitz fight, got booze and cigarettes. Tony's face was pretty beaten up." I finally say, rubbing the body wash on June's flawless skin.

June shakes her head. "Who would have thought our biggest challenge would be our own daughter."

"I know, sweetheart, but she is still a child. She is just lost in this big world. I think us being her parents has a lot to do with it. Think about it: When we were 15, we were fighting and creating a rebellion."

"Yeah, I know, but times have changed since we were dumb teenagers. Life is much simpler, "she says.

"I've been thinking. Why don't we send Grace to Antarctica with Eden and Pressa? It will give her space from us."

I don't want to send her away, but she clearly has issues with us and who she is. Maybe a change of scenery would be nice. Plus, we can get Anden off our backs by accusing Grace of being a bad influence. No one wants to send their child away.

June pauses for a bit and turns off the water. "I think it might be good for her," She agrees. 

Forever: A Life After Legend Fanfic (Marie Lu)Where stories live. Discover now