(Special Chapter) A timed encounter

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About 6 years ago

"Minnie Eonnie, c'mon!" Mira dragged Minnie into the big place.

They were currently on their three day vacation as Cube trainees. As both of them were foreigners, Mira insisted to explore the ancient places of the country. The day was mostly filled with Mira dragging around Minnie to whatever interests her. 

"Woah! I never thought that shrines like these were built in Korea." Mira said while admiring the beautiful wooden architecture she has spotted. They haven't even explored the inside yet but she was already amazed by it.

Minnie just smiled as she watched Mira happily enter the place and scan how it was intriguingly built. It wasn't your normal Hanguk style of house, it was probably one of the most well built historical place in the country. The woods we're probably restored at great expense, it was still glimmering like it was made yesterday. The place was as clean as diamond, leaving no stain of it being an old national treasure.

"You really are enjoying yourself in these places, you've been running around since we came in this place" Minnie who was silently following Mira said.

"You can only see this once and it's not like we're getting another vacation from Cube." Mira slightly turned around to look at Minnie. "Oh wait, can you take a picture of me here?"

She said as she took out her camera, it was a vintage one. Minnie supposedly drew her hands out to reach for it but Mira retracted it probably wondering about something on her precious item.

"I think I forgot to bring the film for this. I kinda took it out in the car." She scratched her head while rummaging through her things. 

"Stay here I'll get it for you." Minnie didn't even wait for the younger to say something because she stormed off the moment the item was not found.

Mira admired the drifting frame of the person she has always loved. She turned to the ominous carvings, probably the goddess of the shrine itself. She walked slowly to the beauty that unfolds in front of her, kneeling as she has found the middle. She observed the name implanted on the statue. 

Gameungang-agi, the goddess of fate and luck.

"Do you really take care of fate?" Mira murmured to herself.

But I don't want to wish for my own fate though.

No matter who I might turn out to be, or who I might become, make Minnie happy. Wherever I might be, I don't want her to suffer, please give her someone to lean onto, somebody that will love her and care for her,

I don't care if it's not me.

She smiled sadly while staring at the carvings. 

Mira quickly stood up as she heard some footsteps approaching the shrine. She turned around to meet a girl in her school uniform.

"Oh, I'm very sorry to disturb you." The girl bowed.

"It's okay, I just finished making a wish." She smiled at the girl and dusted off her knees as she stood up from her position. The girl proceeded with her own business too as she went in to kneel in front of the carvings of the goddess. Of course the clumsy Mira would break the awkward silence between two strangers as she accidentally dropped her precious camera. A big thud was heard through the shrine that the girl could not deny not hearing it. 

"Sorry." Mira mouthed softly at the girl which the latter didn't even mind but as Mira was about to take her leave the girl called out to her.

"Excuse me, Miss! You dropped this!" The girl jogged her way to Mira carrying the cover to the camera's lenses.

"Thank you..." Mira said eager to know the girl's name.

"Oh, I'm Seulri, Han Seulri." The girl said.

"Thanks, Seulri-ssi, I hope whatever you wish for comes true." Mira uttered before she took her leave.


Seulri was left at the shrine. She kneeled back down at her previous position inhaling deeply before sharing her desired thought.

"Hmmm... I really don't have much to ask." She says along with a scratch on her nape. "I just want a long life and that one day I meet the person I admire.... That's all I think, I just don't want to die at a young age." She chuckled a bit from her own remark. "I want to have a life where I could be happy and that I would be to keep those with me happy too. I don't care if I'm not myself."

Seulri dreamily smiled at the thought of her dreams, probably meeting her idols is one of them. 


Minnie froze in front of Seulri. "Sorry for disturbing what you are doing." 

"It's okay." Seulri got up and smiled at Minnie.

"Ummm... Can I ask if you have seen a girl here who is wearing a white top and looks like a foreigner?" Minnie shyly asked.

"Oh that girl, she left a few minutes ago." 

"Okay, thanks for telling me." Minnie gave a smile before turning and going the other way.

Seulri just stood there watching her frame become smaller as Minnie moved away. She kept staring at the distance like it was something she ought to do. She wondered why does she have this weird feeling.

Was this fate or luck? 

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