(Chapter 22) Caught

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"I'm very sorry about earlier, Eomeo-nim but can I ask you how do you know my name?" I asked the old lady in front of me, guessing by her look she looks like 60s.

After meeting her by the side walk I convinced her to come with me to a restaurant near by.

"Well Mira-ssi, before I tell you something, I want to sincerely apologize to you. " The lady stood up from her chair then fully bowed to me.

I was surprised by her actions, usually you must be respectful to an elder but she even bowed to me fully. I stood up to tell her to sit back on her seat.

"It's okay Eomeo-nim, I was the one who was not looking-"

"It's not about that, young lady." She told me as she sat down. "You were involved in accident a few years ago right?"

How would she know that?

She continued."My son was the driver of the car that hit you. I don't know what has gotten in him that day but he would never drive with alcohol. I should've stopped him from going out. If I did you wouldn't suffer such demise."

The old lady liked down, fidgeting in her hands looking apologetic.

I smiled at her."It's okay Eomeo-nim, that is in the past already. Plus, it was an accident, nobody meant for it to happen."

"I know, I just feel bad for you cause you lost years of your life because of him." She looked down on her hands which were placed on the table.

I reached for her hands and caressed it. "Eomeo-nim, things happen for a reason, it's really okay."

She looked up to me with a smile on her face. An idea but me as I looked at her thankful smile.

"Eomeo-nim, back then did your son do something or act weird before the crash?"

She thought for a bit."Well my son was pretty anxious back then. I was diagnosed with a kidney disease so we were struggling with money. But I did notice something weird about him, he was meeting with this man on the front of our house a couple of times. After he died on the crash, the bills on the hospital were paid too, which I thought to be his will for me."

He met with someone?

"Can you still remember the face of the person her met?"

"I can't picture him in my head anymore since it's been too long already and my age is not helping  but if I would meet him, I would be able to tell right away."

At least I now that something is truly twisted in this case. This really wasn't an accident.

We talked for a bit more and she left with a hurry to cook for her grandchildren. She gave me her number just in case I need some information.

The guy I was chasing completely slipped out my mind and I've forgotten I'm carrying bags of grocery with me.

I walked back to my apartment which took a couple of minutes. I was about to open the door but I realized it was not locked.

I began to get nervous as I slowly push the door to open. It was purely dark. Nothing is gonna pop out of the corner, right?

Somebody held me by the wrist which completely startled me. I dropped the bags I was holding and picked up the carrots and began hitting the person I could detect.

"Yah! Yah! Stop it with the carrot!" I stopped hitting as I heard the familiar voice.

"Minnie Eonni?" I blinked for a couple of times. Trying to adjust my eyes on the dark.

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