(Chapter 27) Travel

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We got the permission from Cube to travel as much as we like. They said the girls deserve a break from work too.

We are now packing our stuff at the dorm.

"Need help?" I heard Minnie's voice. She was standing by the doorway with her arms crossed.

"Nope, I'm almost done here anyway." I said as I zip the luggage.

She nodded and came in. I didn't really say anything, I was used to her presence in my room I guess.

"Can I ask you something?" She was sitting on my bed as I was trying to find my socks.

"Sure, you're already asking anyway." I jokingly replied to her. I must be stupid for not realizing her tone.

"Are we-"  I froze in front of my cabinet as before she even formulated her statement.

Are we what?

Are we a thing now?

Well we did kiss.

But does that mean we're together.

Can't she just ask me to be her girlfriend or something?

Why would she ask me such a question?

Why does she sound so serious?

What's wrong with me?

Am I assuming too much?

My internal panicking was not helping me.

"I-" I'm so lucky Shuhua went in the room.

"Mira-yah! Did I leave that sweater here last time?" I quickly faced Shuhua who is currently my awkwardness saviour.

Shuhua seemed to have catched the atmosphere so she looked at me and Minnie.

"Did I interrupt something? Should I leave?" She pointed outside.

Minnie didn't really mind her so I took the initiative to respond.

"Oh-uuh.. I think it's around here somewhere." I took off to find the sweater in my room.

"I'll wait at the car for you guys." Minnie didn't bother finishing her question and went out of the room.

I thought Shuhua didn't mind her but as Minnie went out she looked at the doorway like a spy looking for someone.

She immediately went to me. "Why were you guys so serious? What happened?"

I chuckled quite a bit from her expression.

"Nothing much, she just asked if I was finished packing." I went back to the clothing rack to find her sweater.

"Ey~~~... Minnie Eonni won't look so serious if nothing was happening." Shuhua crossed both of her arms.

"It's really nothing." I faced Shuhua who seemed unconvinced by my words.

She sighed. "Okay, if you say so~"

After a few minutes we found Shuhua's sweater. Well technically I don't think that's Shuhua's sweater.

"It's this really your's, Eonni?" I asked her holding the beige sweater.

"Hehe... That's actually Soojin Eonni's"

"Let me guess, you went to her room again to wear one of her clothes and forgot to bring it back, now she's trying to find it."

Shuhua nodded like an obedient kid.

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