(Chapter 16) Yuqi

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I woke up early in the morning knowing that the members have schedules today. I wanted to prepare breakfast for them.

I went off my bed and headed to the kitchen. To my surprise, I heard sizzling.

I rushed to see who it was thinking it would be Soojin, but what I saw was Minnie in an apron with her hair tied up while cooking eggs.

She heard me come in the kitchen so she faced me and smiled.

Didn't she not talk to me the other day? Now she's all kind.

"Morning, you hungry?" Minnie asked as she takes out the egg from the pan and places it on the plate.

"I sure am," I replied to her and she smiled to me.

I looked at the table and it was full of dishes already.

All of a sudden? What's with Minnie today?

She pulled out a seat and made me sit on it. She stared at me as I tasted her cooking.

"Mmm~~, it's really good Eonni." I exclaimed at her.

Minnie smiled at me. "I'm glad you like it."

She began eating too. Silence brings as we both were eating.

"Uh.. did the other members leave already?" I asked.

"Yeah, they left early in the morning. So it's just the two of us left here." She said to me with a very excited expression in her face.

"By the way... Umm with Yuqi Eonni yesterday, we were joking around."

Realization has hit me as I pondered on what I said. Why do I even have to explain? It's not like we have a relationship of some sort.

"Ah, that, Yuqi told me too." She replied to me while drinking water.

Looks like Yuqi explained to her too.

"Let's forget about that. What should we do today? I don't have a schedule." Minnie added.

"I don't have anything particular in mind, how bout you?"

"Mmmm... How bout Han River? I like going there."

I just nodded to her and smiled.

After we finished our breakfast, we changed clothes and headed outside.

We tried to hail a taxi but none had passed for 30 minutes already.

"Why is there no taxis here? Should we just book one?" Minnie asked with her hands in her waist looking frustrated.

I checked my phone and opened an app to book one but it said that it won't be able to arrive in another hour.

"Eonni, it won't be here for another hour if we book one. I checked the news and it looks like there was an accident nearby and the roads were closed." I told her while scrolling my phone for info.

"Let's just stay at the dorm, we can just watch a movie or something." I suggested to her.

We just went back to the dorm after the long wait. Since we had nothing else to do we decided to watch a movie.

"Why are you in the floor? There's the sofa behind you." I asked Minnie who's on the floor with the popcorn on her hands.

She looked at me and smiled. "It's uncomfortable to sit there."

"Where should I sit then?"

She signalled me to sit between her legs. "Here."

I turned beet red as I realized what she's initiating.

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