(Chapter 9) Trauma

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(G)I-dle is free from schedules today. They were working non-stop for the whole week that their managers decided to give them at least a day off.

So here we are now at the dorm laying on the sofa thinking of what to spend the day on.

"How bout we go skydiving?" Shuhua suggested.

"I'll die before I do that, so no." Yuqi retorted as she eats the bread she was holding.

"How bout we just travel to the nearest beach?" They all faced me as I spoke.

"Oooh.. that's not a bad idea, plus we always wanted to go to the beach together," Soyeon added.

"So we'll go?" Now Miyeon joined the conversation.

"Sure, what other plan do we have." Yuqi playfully replied.

So that's how we ended up deciding to head to the beach. We packed food and some clothes in case we go for a swim.

I went to the parking garage in the basement of their dorm, carrying the food and my own luggage.

I heard Miyeon and Soyeon talking near the car.

"Don't worry we can fit in this car. It's not like there's a battalion of us going." Miyeon said as she closed the trunk.

They both looked back to me as they heard me approaching.

"Oh, you're here already, let me help you with that." Soyeon said as she takes the bag of food away from me.

Minnie came after I arrived which was also carrying a bag full of snacks.

"Now I really think we won't fit in the car," Soyeon said as she tries to push the things in the trunk to make it fit.

"What if Minnie Eonni drives the other car, she has a license anyway," I said as I helped Soyeon.

Miyeon and Soyeon exchanged looks before looking at Minnie who's now looking like she was paused by time.

"No, it's okay Mira-yah, we can fit in this car. Plus we idols, were super thin so we can just sqeeze in. " Miyeon said avoiding my suggestion.

"Oh, okay." I replied hastily, since I didn't want an awkward atmosphere I just tried to brush off that conversation.

But why is Minnie so afraid of driving? Did something wrong happen before?

We rode to the nearest beach which was actually a 2-hour drive away from Seoul so everybody is now tired from the long way.

The beach was nearly empty since it was a working day. Only a few people were here so it was she for the girls to have fun.

I'm thinking about why does Minnie act so indifferent when it comes to her driving. Something must've happened.

"What are you thinking about?" Yuqi said as she sat beside me in the sand.

"Nothing, I just got mesmerized by the sea," I said to her.

"You're one bad liar you know that."She says as she pushed me playfully.

"If I tell you, promise me you'll give me an answer?" I eagerly asked.

"That depends on your question, Mira-yah." Yuqi said as she faced me with a serious look. Most of the time Yuqi would be laid back, but now the Yuqi in front of me is focused and serious, it's fascinating.

"Why is Minnie Eonni avoiding my suggestions of her driving? Is she that bad of a driver?" I looked at her desperate for an answer.

She inhaled deeply and faced the blowing sea in front of us. She didn't actually say something, she just stared at it for a long time.

"I don't know if I'm fit to tell you this though," Yuqi said as she faced me now bearing a stern look.

"But I think to need to know," Yuqi said as she held my hand.

She inhaled like all the pressure was on her shoulders.

"Minnie Eonni for her license on Thailand when she was 18. After she got her license her family brought a car here to Korea for her. We always enjoyed going with her. She was a very safe driver." Yuqi said as she looks down to caress my hand.

"But one day when both of you went out...." Yuqi looked at me with a pained expression.

"....You both got into an accident. A speeding car with a drunk driver hit you both in an intersection. But the bad thing was that the driver hit only one part of the car so badly." Yuqi said now teary-eyed.

"It was your side of the car. The car did move far due to the force but all the impact was received by you. So you were both rushed to the hospital but Minnie Eonni suffered minor injuries only. You, on the other hand, your brain were drastically shaken by the impact and the force caused you many severe injuries." She said as a tear came down her cheeks.

"After you were diagnosed as comatose, Minnie Eonni kept blaming herself for what happened. She didn't eat for days and she even became super cold to everyone. That time she was so in regret that the thought of coming near a car haunted her. But time healed her quite a bit, cause now she's able to ride a car, but there's still a catch though, she still can't bring herself to drive one." Yuqi finished her story with a sad expression.

So that's what happened. Minnie was still blaming herself.

I told Yuqi I was going to do something so I left her there, I guess she knows what I'll do.

I searched the resort for the Thai girl. I went to the swimming pool near the hotel that we're staying but Minnie was not there.

I searched the lobby of the hotel too but still no sign of Minnie.

I saw Shuhua come to the resort so I asked her. "Shuhua Eonni, did you see Minnie Eonni anywhere?"

"Oh, she's at the watchtower near the beach coast. She told me earlier she was going there." Shuhua replied then proceeded to head to their hotel room.

I walked to the watchtower at the dock of the beach. I had to climb 80 steps of stairs before finding the person I was searching for.

"You know, I searched the whole resort for you Eonni." I said as I went to walk to her side.

She was surprised at first but eventually smiled at me.

"Miss me that much?" Minnie said confidently. And here I thought Yuqi is the bluffer of the group.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Nah, I just wanted to say something to you." I said as I looked at the beautiful view she was also watching.

"What is it?" She said as she faced me. I just looked at the horizon as I felt her stare at me with full curiosity.

The wind blew such a fresh feel. I paused to feel the air surrounding first before saying.

"You know, you should really stop blaming yourself." I said as I faced her with a warm smile.

She just froze on her spot. She looked at me with an astounded look.

I held her hand before speaking.

"It was never your fault."

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