(Chapter 11) Visit

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Before we start this chapter, let us celebrate the birthday of our dearest and sweetest Minnie. Happy birthday Kim Minnie!!


After knowing what happened to
Mira, I seemed to be at daze ever since we arrived at the dorm.

I need to stop thinking about my other life.

"Mira-yah, were heading out okay, make sure to take care of yourself here while we're gone." Miyeon said as she is about to close the door.

"Of course Eonni, I can take care of myself. You guys too, take care~" I replied to her.

The members are heading for an overseas trip today, so I'm alone in the dorm for 3 days.

I walked to the kitchen to get some food but I was about to open the fridge my eyes landed on a note.

Eat well while we're not here okay. I'll call you everyday so always be prepared to answer. If you need anything, Sorn Eonni volunteered to help you no matter what it is. Call me if you miss me.


I still can't help but they flustered with her cheeky acts towards me, but I guess I'm kinda used to her words by now.

I sat on the sofa again, looking at the TV blankly. I scanned the living room, and something just hit me.

I'm in my idols dorm, eating their food, sharing their space, and even spending almost every day with them. I am just undeniably lucky.

This life is too far away from mine, cause as Han Seulri I won't be able to even afford going to Seoul.

Speaking of which, I suddenly thought of my parents, not Mira's parents but mine, Han Seulri. Should I visit them? They must be devastated knowing that their daughter died.

It's still early in the morning, so coming to Busan won't cause any harm. They won't recognize me anyway.

I packed the things I needed and proceeded to the nearest train station.

I clearly knew where I was going so this won't be a problem. I told Sorn Eonni that I wanted to go out of town so she didn't have to worry.

After the 3-hour train ride to Busan I finally arrived at their station.

This place is still the same since I left, well not literally left cause you know, I didn't really leave.

I went to my family's restaurant, as I entered the were a bunch of people around.

Looks like the business is going well.

"Do you need anything dear?" A voice called to me, I looked at her surprised. It's my mom, my real mom.

I smiled at her before answering. "A table for one please."

She gestured me to a seat right away.

"Here's the menu, young lady, press the alarm if your done choosing." She said and patted my back.

I just nodded at her and she left right away.

I looked at the menu pretending to choose one but I literally memorize every inch of these dishes since I help my mom come up with them.

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