14. Storm? {REWRITING}

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Tw: Swearing



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Luna groaned, sitting up as her back ached from the rocks she was previously laying on. She rose to her feet taking in the familiar light blue dress that hugged her waist. She sighed before guiding herself towards the oh-so-familiar pathway through the forest.

The wind traveled through the pathway blowing through the young girl's scalp and soothing her as she continued the walk further into the forest. Luna sighed in relief seeing the familiar opening of a cave. Her feet guided her inside the cave being aware of the rocks and pebbles on the cave floor.

Her body tensed noticing that the tree in the center of the cave glowed a soft gray instead of its normal ocean blue.

"Coral?" Her voice came out small and warily as her eyes scanned the area. She hesitantly walked towards the tree confusion on her face as she studied the bark and unusual lights.

She released a heavy breath as she leaned against the tree, tilting her head sideways. She glanced upwards to see a ledge leading into a soft glowing cave.

Her brows furrowed in confusion as she stepped off of the tree.

'What the actual heck?'

She bit her lip in thought before sighing and rubbing her nape.

'Fuck it.'

She transferred chakra to her feet and hands slowly making her way toward the cave's wall. She placed her foot on the wall along with one of her hands glancing toward the ledge. She soon began her small journey up the wall of the cave.

Once she was beside the ledge, still attached to the wall, she leaped towards the ledge grabbing it with her still chakra-infused hands. She pulled herself over the ledge laying on her stomach as she released the chakra in her limbs.

She soon rose to her feet stretching her limbs, before she hesitantly walked towards the entrance to the cave. Her body hugged close to the wall as she peeked into the room which was soon halted by a startled gasp as her eyes widened.

Wrapped in chains was a gray bird, it wasn't as big as team 7 future main summonings but it definitely wasn't the size of a normal bird. However, it was more on the slim side besides its messy feathers. Its eyes were closed but Luna could tell it wasn't sleeping due to its breathing patterns.

The said girl studied the bird in both confusion and worry before she decided to make her presence known. She stepped out from the shadows of the cave causing the bird's eyes to widen as they snapped towards the young girl.

Noticing its tense body she raised her hands attempting to show reassurance.

"I promise, that I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help."

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