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Prologue ~ October 31st 1981, A.J.D

October 31st 1981 In Hogwarts..

Inside the Great Hall, two persons were having a serious conversation in the center of the hall, one is a sixteen-year-old adolescent girl, and the other is a revered Elder wizard known as the Headmaster of Hogwarts, a school for young witches and wizards.

"Professor Dumbledore, we don't have much time, No.. i don't have much time; please listen to me--"- The girl spoke, but the elderly wizard stopped her from speaking.

"It's alright, my dear, it's already been done. The dark lord is now gone, but sadly, Lily and James Potter's didn't make it, but the baby "Harry"  is alive. We will take him to his closest relativ--"- the headmaster came to halt as the girl collapse, as her hand grasping her chest. Cold sweats began to drip from her forehead.

"Professor, please listen to me. I don't have much time. Yes, for now he's gone, but are we really certain he's gone? and for how long? We didn't even know if he was truly dead. You know him better than I do. Due to this urgent matter, I created a charm to put myself in a deep slumber, I know it hazardous and,

I'm not certain if it safe to use it, but I have to take the risk for the sake of the future of the wizard's world, especially for her child. It may take a toll on my magic, and I'm not sure if I'll gain it back, but if the spell succeeds, I'll only be awaken when the boy turns fourteen, take care of the baby, Uncle. Keep him safe until i get back, please. He's our last hope."

The girl final words before closing her eyes and fell asleep. Professor Dumbledore took his niece into his arms and watched her slowly close her eyes.

At the same time, one of his trusted people had just arrived, when she saw what was happening in front of her, she hurriedly ran toward them in panic.

"A-Albus, what happened to Jordan!?"- Professor McGonagall question in a panicked tone, her quivering fingers caressing the girl's pale face. The Elderly witch treated Jordan as if she were her own daughter, so seeing her in this way made her very concerned. She checked her pulsed and breathed a sigh of relief when she assured the girl was still alive. But she sensed something was amiss.

She waited for the Headmaster's to explain for a bit, but he didn't say anything.

Jordan was the top student at Hogwarts and a very special Witch to all kids who attended the school; nevertheless, only five individuals are aware of  her true worth, and the power she possesse.

Two of them were the Headmaster and his Brother Aberforth, the other three were Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, and the Dark Lord 'Voldemort', Jordan is a very important witch to him. If Jordan stays by his side, he can be unstoppable; however, before he could even catch the girl, she was protected by the two Elderly wizards and Elderly witch, so, he pursued the Potters instead.

"Minerva, please kindly send Hagrid a message that he will be the one taking Harry to his relatives in the muggle world and tell him to wait for us there."- said the Headmaster as he carefully carried his niece out of the great hall; as for the Elderly witch, she simply followed the man's commands without hesitation.

With a wave of her wand, a light mist in a shape of a cat ran through the massive window, finding its way to their half-giant keeper.

"Albus, where are you going? Where are you taking Jordan?."- Minerva asked the Headmaster, but he simply ignored her and continued walking through the corridors, eventually coming to halt in front of a blank wall.

In a blink of an eye, a massive door appears. According to the history of Hogwarts, written in a book, if someone needs a room. The"Room of Requirements" will appear itself.

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