Chapter - X

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Chapter 10 ~ Defense Against The Dark Arts & Odd Behaviour.

Before the class begin, Jordan brought Hermione some flowers in her room again, every morning Jordan effortly bring her flowers and some cheesy note to make the girl smile first thing in the morning after she wakes up.

Later that day two identical twins and one girl walked through the halls for their next class DADA, there's a lot of buzzing noises when they step inside the room and other house students were already inside too, seated in their own seat.

Two boys making jokes and telling their friend their next pranking plan when the door suddenly burst open with loud 'Thud', making everyone startled by the sound.

Professor Moody went inside the classroom, slightly limping because of his fake leg, every students stared at the old man as he stopped in front of the chalkboard and writes his name hurriedly.

"Alastor Moody, Ex-Auror ministry mal-content, I'm your New Defense Against the Dark Arts Teachers, I'm here because Dumbledore asked me to, end of story goodbye the end"- he snapped

"Any questions?"- he waits for a moment then continue..

"When its comes to the dark arts i believe in a practical approach, but first which of you can tell me, how many unforgivable curses there are?"- his eyes looked around the room...

"Three sir."- Jordan said, snapping the others from their quiet state..

"And they are named?"- Professor Moody asked didn't look at Jordan, turning back to the chalkboard.

"Sir, because they unforgivable curse, the use of any one of them will earn you-"

"A one way ticket to Azkaban, Correct!, now the ministry says you are to young to see what these curses do I say different! You need to know what you're up against you need to be prepared!"- Professor Moody words stop as both of his real and fake eyes landed on Jordan, he's looking at her intensely, to his astonishment, she look exactly someone he knew, both had the same eyebrows and same face features. Professor Moody body runs cold and averted his eyes somewhere, proceeding his lesson.

Fred and George darted their gazes to Jordan and gave her a questioning look but the girl just shrugged her shoulders as saying she doesn't know either.

"Now give us a curse Mr. Limbough."- asked Professor Moody to a Slytherin student.

"Umm.. It's a Imperius curse, sir."

"Yeah that curse, its give the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago, perhaps you children will show you why!"- he went toward a table full of insects and some kinds of little creature.

Moody pulled out a small spider from one of the jars, using engorgio to increase the size of the insect, making it the same size of his calloused palms.

"Imperio"- he muttered, flicking his wand at the spider.

The spider leapt up from his hand and swayed up in the air, landing table to table and scared the hell out of the students, then hovered above one of a Slytherin student, the Weasley twins laughing at the boy horrified face.

Then the insect landed on Jordan's table, she touch the insect on the head, and it crawled to her hand up to her shoulder, then crawled down to the other side.

"Talented, isn't he?."-The Professor said.

"What shall i have him do next? Jump out the window?"- Moody said with a low and cold tone, then revealing the curse true nature.

"Drowned himself?"- he lowered the spider back into his palm, and the classroom became dead silent for a moment.

"Scores of the witches and wizards have claimed that they only did you-know-who bidding under the influence of the 'Imperius curse', here's the rub- how do we sort out liars... The next one is?"

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now