Chapter - XVIII

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Chapter 18 ~ Shut up Just Kiss Me - I.

Harry finally understood some part of the clue that the golden egg reveals, he has been searching for a charm to make himself breath underwater so him, Ron, Hermione and Neville were all searching for every books in the library that related to water.

They found some charms, but Harry thinks that other Champions definitely used those spell for themselves and decided to search for another.

Suddenly Neville remembered that he read one of the pages in the book that their Professor Moody gave him and suggested it to Harry, that he can use the gillyweed, so that he can breath underwater but there's a catch, he can only use that about an hour time, and the charm will be off exactly that time.


"Jordan, my dear, can you do me a favor? Could you bring Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley to my office please, i have something to discuss with them."- Said Professor McGonagall when she saw Jordan, who was just hanging out with Cedric Diggory.

"And Mr.Diggory informs Madam Maxine that she has to bring Ms.Grabrielle Delacour along in my office, thank you."- the two nodded and followed what their Professor instructions.

Jordan, on the other hand, had no choice, but to obey her mother says she's still not talking to Hermione in this past few days,

Every time Hermione tried to speak to her, she made some stupid excuses just to avoid the girl. They were not fighting.

Jordan is just giving her some space. She knows that Hermione was so frustrated by her attitude. But deep inside, she knew that her gesture was too cowardly, she hate to admit it, but she's afraid of rejection.

She asked some students on her way. If they saw the two Gryffindor students, some of them said they saw them in the library, and she thanked them and made her way there.

She looked at every group of students inside the library and finally found the two along with Harry and Neville, who were focused searching for a useful charm .

She took a deep breath and say -"Ron, Hermione, Mother wants to talk to you in her office."

"Hey Jordan."- Neville greeted with a smile and waving his hand frantically while Harry nodded, acknowledging her presence.

"Hey Harry, Hey Neville."- she greeted back and glanced at the other two.

Jordan led them to Professor McGonagall office in silence.

"Am I trouble?"- Ron asked nervously.

"Maybe not, I mean, even Hermione is being summoned, too."- Shrugged Ron while taking a deep breath.

Hermione however stared at the back of the taller girl figure, who's walking in front of them acting like normal, she want to have a talk with her about that night, but alone, Ron still with them, and she had to admit it she misses her so much, her presence, her stolen kisses, her embrace.. all of it.

Jordan felt Hermione's stares. She wanted to turn around and pull her into her embrace, but she stopped herself when she remembered that she's still giving her some space to think.

Hermione looked at Jordan with a complicated gaze. She then had enough of this and finally made her move by placing her hand to hold Jordan's. The taller girl jumped and was surprise by the sudden touch she turned around and met Hermione's eyes . Glaring at her, she swallowed nervously and let Hermione hold her hand, proceeding to walk forward.

Ron saw the whole thing and tried to hold his laughter, Hermione's glare was so effective even for them, one look of their bestfriend they're already scared and instantly shut their mouth when she does that.

.·:*¨༺ ۵ ༻¨*:·.

"Let's cut to the chase shall we Dears, the second Task is, each Champions have to retrieve their lost treasure and that treasure is all of you, I question them what is the most important things or someone in their life,

To Ms. Fleur Delacour, the most important person in her life, is her little sister Ms. Grabrielle Delacour."- once she said that, Jordan glanced over to her little friend, who's quite scared and shy, while hidden behind her tall Headmistress.

"To Mr. Victor Krum he told me it's Ms. Hermione Granger."- Hermione was astonished by hearing that and glancing at Jordan direction.

Who took a deep breath and closed her eyes, then looked directly back to the girl's brown eyes. Smiling slightly and turning her attention back to Professor McGonagall.

"To Mr. Cedric Diggory, he said that Her little sister and also Ms.Cho Chang, but apparently, Ms. Diggory caught a cold, while Ms.Cho Chang was in good health, so we chose her to be Mr. Diggory treasure.

While to Mr. Harry Potter, it's you, Mr. Ronald Weasley, now all of you are the champions lost treasure, which they need to retrieve underneath the lake, where the Champions faced some challenges."

"Really Harry, me?"- Ron whispered to himself, but Jordan heard him, b'cause he is standing right next to her and let out a chuckles..

"Well, at least we know that Harry is really treated you part of his family Ron. You can do this."- Jordan said to the redhead boy and nodded.

"Two days before the second Task began, all of you have to go to the Headmaster Dumbledore office, that's all children, you may go back with your studies, and thank you, Headmistress"- said Professor McGonagall,

Headmistress and Little Grabrielle walk out of the room. Before that, Jordan reassures her friend and says her goodbyes.

Jordan waved at Cho Chang, and the girl just smiled in return, then left the room, followed by Ron.

"J-Jordan, can we talk, please."- a voice stop Jordan from leaving, hearing Hermione's pleading voice make's her agreed.

Holding her hand again, Hermione led the taller girl to an empty room and pushed her inside.

Hermione/A/n's (POV):

I gently close the door behind me, while my gaze is glued to her, I've missed her, she look so cute when she's currently nervous right now, I bit my lips and started to walked to her direction, she notice my movements and open her mouth to speak a few words to me..

"Look Hermione, about that nigh----

I shut her mouth with mine, i know she's going to say more excuses, and i had enough of that, I just want to show her what I felt, I don't know where did I got the courage to kiss her, but seeing her resisting face is one thing for me not to hold back anymore.

Besides, i could still feel and see her feelings for me. She's just letting me sort out my feelings for her, which I finally did.

Jordan was so surprise, at the same time, her cheeks started to heat up. She finally snapped out of her daze and kissed Hermione with the same passion.

Electric current surged through her body. She was so satisfied as her lips finally touched the other girl lips.

Jordan and i kiss passionately, and then my arms slowly wrap around her neck.

While her hands trail down to my waist and hold it firmly. I moan when she deepens the kiss, This is the first time i kiss someone, and i have to admit i am loving this more and more. I might be addicted to it.

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Words 1231

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now