Chapter - VII

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Chapter 7 ~ The Meet & Potions.

On the Gryffindor table...

"Holy shit! H-He's a she and on top of that a Dumbledore, niece of the Headmaster!"- said Fred looking so thrilled.

"Wicked!"- Both twins look at each other eyes and nodded while high fiving.

"I know that look, don't even try to coax the girl into your group or pranks plan she's still a new student."- said their little sister Ginny, the others just agreed at the red-head girl remarks.

Hermione silently staring at the girl who is now making her way to the Gryffindor table, she finally notice that she's wearing the Gryffindor tie and robes, her heart suddenly skip a beat seeing her blue eyes directly gazing at her.

"Hello there Love, is this seat taken?"- asked Jordan with a friendly smile on her face as she stopped and stood infront of Hermione, gesturing the empty seat beside her.

"N-No, please take a sit."- Hermione stutter and blushed as she got caught staring.

"So, the name's Ariel Jordan Dumbledore, but you can call me Jordan, what's yours Love?."- asked Jordan to Hermione even though she already knew her name, she still want to start a normal conversation and of course to be able for her to hold her crush hand.

Hermione face turn more red and with a shaky hand she held Jordan hand to shake.

"Hermione Jean Granger, pleasure"- the only thing she could say, she embarrassed and nervous to glance up to Jordan who kiss the back of her hand, lips still lingers for a little longer.

"Oh trust me Love, it's my pleasure to meet such a beautiful girl like you."- Jordan flirted to Hermione who cheeks turn more red.

"I think you should stop now mate i know you find Miss brightest witch here beautiful, but let the poor girl breath, look at her face, red as the rose."- Fred pointed out to the young Dumbledore and smirk at Hermione.

Only for Hermione to glare back at him, but still blushing.

"Alright knock it off! The queen is now talking, hi Jordan! I'm Ginny Weasley, that's Fred and George i don't know which one was, anyway, they're my brothers along with Ron here, while the rest is our friends  Seamus, Dean, Neville, and last but not the least Harry--

"Harry Potter I know, the boy who lives."- Jordan cut off Ginny with a smile and look at the boy who was sitting in front of her, she stare at the son of her older sister Lily, he really looks like James but got Lily's beautiful eyes..

"Hmm... You really do have your mother's eyes Potter, I can see that you've been taking care of yourself, you had a good complexion from the last time i saw you. I hope you keep it that way."- Jordan says with satisfaction, he stop his movements and thought for a seconds then eyes widening, Jordan feels Hermione tense beside her so she turn her attention on her, she was looking at her wide eyes and slightly mouth agape.

"I do appreciate the way your gaze love, but it's not appropriate to do this here why don't we go somewhere more private later, so you can look and do whatever you want with me,.. what do you say.. Hmm..?"- Jordan touch Hermione's chin to close her agape mouth. Turning back to the table that were now filled with differents kind of foods, the others who heard Jordan remark, looked puzzle then their eyes darted to the golden trio whose staring at the female Dumbledore who is now eating to her heart content.

Harry's about to question the girl but stop as she signal to be quiet by putting her finger at her lips and mouthing

"we'll talk later"- Harry understood her gesture and began to eat.

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now