Chapter - VI

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Chapter 6 ~ Triwizard Tournament.

One of the compartments inside a moving train were occupied by three poeple who were reading, chilling or just waiting for the trolley lady to pass by..

On cue the trolley lady arrived and asking every compartments if they want to buy sweets.

Ron got up from his seat and check his pocket and pulled out some money.

"Umm, a packet of droobles and a liqourice wand please."

Harry got up and stood behind Ron to look some candy that he'll buy.

"On a second thought... just the droobles."- Ron signed noticing his money were not enough.. Harry initiate to buy him the other sweet but he declined and went inside.

Two teenage Ravenclaw girls walked toward the trolleylady, giggling..

"Two pumpkin pasties, please."- one of the Ravenclaw girl "Cho Chang" sweetly said to the old lady while handing her money to pay the candy.

Harry blushed and slightly smile seeing the girl, while Cho Chang smile in return..

"Hi Harry"- she shyly greeted, while her friend teasingly nudged her.

"Hi."- Harry whispered as he watches the two girls finally left.

"Anything from the trolley dear?"- asked the old lady.

"No, Thank you"- Harry politely said, before taking a seat again.

"This is horrible"- Hermione said while frowning..

"How can the ministry not know who conjured it? Wasn't there any security or-

"Loads"- Ron cut off Hermione and shrugged his shoulder as his mouth full of droubles.

"According to Dad that's what's there worried them, so much happened right under their noses."

Hermione frowned, then eventually went back to reading, she glance at Harry's direction noticing that he was rubbing his scar again.

"It's hurting again, isn't it? your scar?"- Hermione look at him and added -"you know Sirius will know about this, what you saw at the world cup and that mysterious figure."

"Yeah, i will write him what happened, later."- Harry said, he glance outside and noticed they were getting closer to the station.

The train stopped and the group of friends took their trunks and cages, proceeding their tracks through the sea of students whose rejoicing meeting their friends and coming back at their school.

Harry's POV:

We're now at the Hogwarts entrance, by the gate, other carriage was now fully occupied by other students. While enjoying talking with their friends about their holiday's.

Noises were everywhere, causes by the students conversations, our group find an empty carriage and we quickly occupied it. Neville and Seamus join us and they shared about their holiday's.

While Ron and i talked about this upcoming Quidditch match, but came to halt when a gust of wind suddenly came out of nowhere and had a glimpse of a winged little creature who flew in a high speed that passes our directions, as if it's trying to run away from something or someone.

Then a tall teenage boy with a short dirty-blonde shoulder length hair who look sixteen, wearing a muggle white shirt and a black trousers with his black leather boots, the wind blew up his shirt you can see the outline of his abs, running towards where the winged little creature flew by. Maybe I can ask him later some tips to have that kind of body, I hope he's friendly..

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now