Chapter - III

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Chapter 3 ~ Quidditch World Cup and the Dark Mark.

Harry's (POV):

"Come on, kids! It's time to use those muscle from where they are hidden! Move faster!"- Mr. Weasley exclaimed in exhilarati. While the rest of us groaned in exhaustion and helplessness, we'd been walking for five hours straight, and my legs were numb and sore. And it's killing me, and I know the others feel the same way I do.

Mr. Weasley informed us on the top of this hill that a friend of his and his son were waiting for us to join the excursion.

After a few more steps, we noticed an elderly man waiting and standing next to an old tree. He had short length hair and glasses that were remarkably comparable to mine..

"It's about time you show up, Arthur."- the old man exclaimed they gave each other a quick brotherly hug, Mr. Weasley simply laughed and nodded.

"Long time no see Amos, children, this is Amos Diggory. We work together at the ministry. Oh, this lad must be Cedric, but where's little Bianca, Amos?"- Mr. Weasley introduced us to the man, and then a teenage boy above the age of seventeen jumped down from the tree.

He shook Mr. Weasley hand and Cedric respectfully answered his question.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir. My little sister and my mother had this girls day out, which they have their own thing and we do have ours, and they were not interested in the Quidditch game, so father and I didn't want to spoil their mother-daughter bonding, so here we are."- Cedric explaoned, Amos nodded to his son, and both Diggory's gazes shifted to mine.

"Merlin Beard, you must be Harry Potter"- said Mr. Diggory

"Yes, sir."- I shook his hand in return, then our group moved forward until we reached the hill, where we were greeted by an odd looking old single boot.

"Ah, there it is."- Mr. Weasley says while pointing at the boot lying on the grass.

"Shall we children? We wouldn't want to be late, right?"- Amos took them to the boot and stood around it.

"Why are they all standing around in a looking old boot?"- my expression was filled with uncertainty when I uttered this.

"That's not just any old boot, Harry."- Fred stated, and then his twin brother continued.

"It's a Port-key."- everyone has put their hands on the boot. Amos started counting down from three. While i was still standing upsight on the ground.

"Harry!!"- I was startled by Mr. Weasley voice and swiftly grabbed the boot, and then all of us went spinning through the air.

"Let go, kids."- Mr. Weasley yelled.

"What!!!??"- Ron yelped at his Father and looked at him as if he had gone mental.

"Let go!!!"- He shouted it again, and we let go of the boot, screamed together as we fell from the sky. With a loud thud, we landed on our backs while Mr. Weasley, Mr. Amos and Cedric walked through the air like there were invisible stairs. There were synchronized groans from the rest of us due to our lack of experience using a Port-key.

They all stood up one by one, and Cedric approached me and assisted me in rising up from the ground.

"Thanks."- I told him. He simply smiled and nodded in return.

Mr. Diggory and Cedric walked away after saying their farewells to find their own tent, while the rest of us followed Mr. Weasley, which led us to a small tent.

"Harry, you alright?"- asked Ron, while I'm looking at the small tent, not so sure if we fit in there.

"Oh, Umm.. Ron, how are we supposed to fit in there?"- he smirked at me before walking into the tent and holding the flap wide open for me to see.

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