Chapter - XXIX

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Chapter 29 ~ Every scar has its own story.

⚠️▪︎Warning▪︎: This chapter contains terrible terms, such as torture, pain, blood, and stabbing..⚠️

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"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class."- Professor Umbridge snapped. Her gaze swept across her students..

"It is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examination, which after all is what school is all about."

"And how is theory supposed to protect us from what's out there?"- Harry exclaimed.

"There's nothing out there, dear."- she spoke softly..

"Who would you imagine would want to attack children, like yourself?".

"Oh, I don't know, Maybe."- the boy began with a sarcasm..

"Lord Voldemort".

The others began to whisper, many believed the boy's words, while others don't, and believing he was only lying to himself, Seamus Finnegan agreed and stared at the back of Harry's head..

Umbridge's visage went blank, as if she wanted to shout at him, the phony smile had vanished, but her overly-honey voice remained.

"Now, let me make this quite plain."- she began while forcing a smile..

"You have all been told certain Dark Wizard is at large, once again this is a lie.".

"It's not a lie!"- Harry shouted, standing completely unable to contain his frustration

"I saw him, i fought him!"

"Detention! Mr. Potter"- the rest of the students are taken aback when the boy starts breathing excessively.

"So according to you! Cedric and Jordan's near-deaths experiences that day were their own accords!?"- Nobody else had heard Harry talk about that incident. Only his closest friends and a few professors were aware of what transpired that night.

The students hung on his every word.

"Mr. Cedric Diggory and Ms. Ariel Jordan Dumbledore injuries were simply a tragic accident."- Umbridge corrected firmly.

"It was not! Voldemort is return! You must know that, but I still kept denying it!"

"Enough!"- Umbridge yelled, her temper completely gone.

"Enough."- she repeated taking a quick intake of air.

"See me later, Mr. Potter, my office."- after that the class continues..

After an hour of waiting for the lecture to end, Harry immediately exited Umbridge's class when she dismissed it.

"That was really stupid of you, you know."- Hermione spoke as the three of them moved down the corridor.

"Seriously, you know the ministry already has something against you, and you had to go and have a row with her, didn't you?"

"I wasn't going to sit there and let her called me a liar, Hermione."- Harry snarled, and students in the corridors turned to stare.

"Easy, Harry."- Ron said, noticing their having a lot of stares.

"People staring"

"Let them."- he huffed..

"We were just trying to help, mate."- Ron murmured, letting out a sigh, but his words did not reach to his bestfriend..

"Well, I don't need your help, alright!"-Harry spat back angrily.

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now