Chapter - XX

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Chapter 20 ~ Night Sky. ♡

"When did this happend?."- Ginny pointed her index finger at the two girls sitting on the couch while holding hands.

"Don't know, I am so astonished how Hermione kissed Jordan in front of everyone. I mean, i thought Jordan was the one who would do that."- said Ron, while his mouth filled with food again..

"Mate, can you chew your food first and swallow before you speak? That's nasty."- Cedric said as he frowned in disgust..

"You two are so unfair, i need some detail, got it? Details!."- said Ginny and threw a pillow toward the couples.

"Sorry, Little Weasley, Hermione's is the boss."- said Jordan as she catches the pillow and gives it to her lover..

"Yeah, but for sure, Jordan is the top, and Hermione is the bottom.."- Fred teased and high fiving his twin brother.

Hermione blushed and glared the twins -"You're right there, brother. I mean, Hermione screamed like a bottom, and looking how she let Jordan dominant her. It's already confirmed."- all of them burst into laughter and glance over to a flushed Hermione.

"Woah Hermione, I didn't kno---- umpph!!!"- Harry shut up when a pillow suddenly landed on his face..

"Sod off, Harry."- Hermione grumble and hid her face on the crook of her girlfriend's neck.

"Okay, guys, that enough teasing for today."- said Jordan while tracing her finger on her girlfriend's hair.

Hermione hugged her tightly, inhaling her neck and not having enough of Jordan's scent. Call her clingy, she doesn't care, she just wants to be on her girlfriend arms... always, it's now her favorite place forever..

"Hermione?"- she called, while her girlfriend just hummed in response.

"Are you busy later?."

"Ummm,.. no? I'm pretty much free on my time today, I actually wanted to go to the library, but i thought i should take a break from the books, beside i want to enjoy my time being with you"- Hermione softly said to her girlfriend....

"Great, after dinner was going somewhere special and i know you'll love it there."- said Jordan and kissed her on the forehead..

After the dinner...

Both Hermione and Jordan were now walking into the forbidden forest, Hermione were so nervous this is her first time breaking the rules going outside the castle walls at night, and blindfolded as Jordan said it would be surprise.

"Jordan, can i take this off now?"

"Not yet, my Love, we're almost there."- Jordan said and guided her girlfriend for a few more steps, then stop, Jordan went behind her girlfriend and slowly got the blindfold off.

Hermione adjusted her eyesight, then a sea of flowers exposed in front of her. She became awestruck...

She walked slowly to the flowers while Jordan followed her from behind..

"Oh my gosh, Jordan, this place is so beautiful."- said Hermione and ran through the meadow...

Jordan just stood there, staring and admiring her girlfriend, who is enjoying herself smelling the flowers. She was so mesmerized by her genuine smile...

Hermione turned around to her girlfriend and smiled sweetly. She sprinted back to her direction and tackled her with a hug..

"Thank you for bringing me here. You're right i definitely love this place."- said Hermione, kissing her girlfriend on the right cheek, Jordan kissed her forehead in return, and tagged Hermione were her special spot located..

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now