Chapter - XXVIII

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Chapter 28 ~ A Toad Has Arrived.

The day had finally arrived, as the students returned to their school, four friends were contentedly talking their own business, when a blonde slytherin boy ruined the good atmosphere around them..

"Surprised, the ministry is still letting you run free, Potter!"- Draco exclaimed, staring at the boy from head to toe, before continuing their steps and adding.

"I'd enjoy it while you can, i expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it, Potter."- he looked st Jordan's direction, and right beside her stood her girlfriend, Hermione.

Jordan arched an eyebrow in his direction, and Draco, who was ready to open his mouth, paused as he remembered the day she helped him in his most vulnerable moments.

He shook his head and left the Muggle-Born alone.. for Jordan's sake this time.

Harry, on the other hand, was furious and about to rush Draco when a hand drew him back, and he cast a quick glance to see his best friend Ron..

"Stay away from me."- he gritted his teeth and yelled. As he glared at the Slytherin boy's back.

"Calm down, Harry, what did you expect? it's just Malfoy."- Ron remarked, calming him.

"Don't think notice of him, Harry."- Hermione said, as she looked at her friend..

"Hey guys!"- Neville said as he saw his friends and greeted them cheerfully.

"Hey Neville, how's your holiday?"- the four greeted him in return..

"Nice, thank you for asking."- He responds, Harry ignores them as his attention is drawn to something on the front carriage.

The rest were still enjoying their talk when Harry pointed to the air, interrupting them.

"What is that?"

They all turned to look at Harry, seeing him pointing into the air, but to Jordan perspective, she watched Harry as he pointed to a looking Black skinny and bones creature?..

"What's what?"- Ron inquired confusedly, staring at his friend.

"That!, pulling the carriage."- he said, while pointing to the same spot.

"There's nothing pulling the carriage Harry, it's pulling itself, like always"- Hermione frowned as her gaze fixed on her friend.

"My love, He's right, there's definitely something pulling the carriage, it's a bit looking black horse with wings but skinny and bones version."- Jordan went on to say. Looking at the creature with considerable interest..

"See, even Jordan can see it."- Harry said, still looking at the creature.

"You both, really something."- Ron shook his head. They simply believed that they both saw the same thing at the front carriage.

"You're not going mad."- a girl spoke from the carriage, setting down the quibbler she was reading upside-down.

"I can see them too."- her voice was soft and wishful..

"You're just sane as i am."

Jordan enthusiastically tagged Hermione along with her as they sat next to the girl.

"Hey guys, you remember, Luna, right?"- Jordan asked, who's excitedly patting Luna's head, as the Ravenclaw girl smiled at Jordan simple gesture.

"Hi Luna."- they greeted before complementing her necklace..

"Nice Necklace."

Luna smiled, touching her necklace -"it's a charm, actually."

"It keeps away the nargles."- everyone went quiet, Jordan nodded, understanding the girl's difficulties.

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now