Chapter - XXI

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Chapter 21 ~ Third Task - The Maze.

Jordan woke up from the sunlight that shone through her room window. She was dazed at first then.

She looked down, feeling a heavy weight on the top of her body, and was greeeted by a gorgeous face of her sleeping girlfriend, who was hugging her closely, she suddenly remembered that Hermione had been sleeping here for a couple of days since that night in the meadow. Which is very momentous night for them..

She traced her fingers through her girlfriend naked back, and yes, they did make love last night. Technically, Jordan was the one do the pleasuring action. They hadn't done anything yet because Hermione wasn't ready, and Jordan respected that, She was waiting for her girl to give the go signals.

"Love, it's time to wake up, my uncle needs me to his office, come on, love, wake up.."- Jordan said softly to her girlfriend. The sleeping girl replied with a groan, but eyes slowly opened..

"Good morning, my love."- greeted Hermione, Jordan kissed her girlfriend nose, she found it so adorable when she just woken up from her slumber.

"Good morning love, you look tired."- Jordan smirked as she gave her girlfriend a knowing look..

"And whose fault is that? You didn't let me sleep early last night. You keep going and going."- Hermione complained and turned away, leaving her girl's arms.

"But you still love the way my tongue touches your sensitive bud down there, Hermione."- Jordan chuckles and hugs her grumpy, beautiful girlfriend, at the same time kissing her sexy nape.

Hermione blushed and felt the goosebumps start to crawled all over her body, feeling her warm lips.

"Stop that, I'm still sore from last night and so tired to do it again, Jordan."- Hermione groaned, facing her naughty girlfriend. She put her hands into her face and pinched both of her cheeks...

"A-alright, i get it, ow Love, i give, i give."-said Jordan, Hermione immediately let go and giggled to her girlfriend.

Jordan rubbed where Hermione had pinched her while pouting..

Hermione noticed that it left a red mark and felt horrible, so she kissed both cheeks lingering it for the time. Before capturing her lips, Jordan immediately responded to her kiss and deepened it

"That's enough, I know where this is heading."- Hermione pushed her girlfriend away.

Jordan laughed and tickled Hermione.

"Stop."- Hermione laughs, she sat up on top of Jordan, which straddled her lower part. Then held both Jordan's hands and place on each side of her head.

Hermione was tempted by Jordan's lips, so she kissed her while still holding her hands.

"Okay, I love this new side of you. We could still continue this."- Jordan smirked as her eyes looked straight at her girlfriend's eyes. Hermione blushed and let out a grunt before she stood up.

Jordan whistled, seeing her girlfriend naked glory, Hermione blushed deeply as she forgot that she's still naked, so she immediately sprinted to the bathroom.

"Cute"- Jordan mumbled while smiling as she watched her girlfriend, feeling all happy, in love, and contented.

.·:*¨༺ ۵ ༻¨*:·.

"So did you two have a good night?."- asked Cedric with a playful smirk plastered on his lips, him and Bianca sitting on the Gryffindor table, joining their friends for breakfast...

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now