Chapter - VIII

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Chapter 8 ~ Eustomas Flowers & Accident Kiss.

Next Morning....

Jordan and Osmond woke up in five o clock in the morning, Jordan always wake up the same time to do her morning run and do her morning exercises routine everyday.

She ran through the castle halls and then went to the forbidden forest. Which by the way her uncle always reminds her not to go there, his reason is it's not safe, a lot of dangerous creatures or beings living inside the forest, and she might encounter danger.

But Jordan being thick headed, didn't listen to her Uncle that time and courageously check out the forest, she didn't regret it and eventually stumble to a beautiful place.

A meadow filled with different kinds of flowers, that's where she's heading right now, she stopped at the giant three and ran her fingers through it's trunk feeling the big tree,

Behind that is the meadow.

She slow down her tracks and walk normally, while Osmond flying right behind her looking around the place without a care, Jordan came foward to one pacific spot of flowers, She cut three particular pieces of these flowers and take a sniff, at the same time earning a satisfying smile from herself.

She'll give it to Hermione and hope that the girl would love the sight of these flowers, she always known that the girl she fancied favorite color was violet and light pink. For now she will give her the "Eustomas Flower" these flowers have their own meaning, aswell the others.

She thanked the meadow for the flowers, because each creature or even nature have their own life, so Jordan always thanked what she taken or what she recieved, and this time she thanked the Meadow for the beautiful flowers that she has taken.

Then she went back to the castle and go straight to her room, taking a quick warm shower then change to her new clothes, but of course don't forget Osmond being a brat not liking getting wet. When she's done she get out of her room, Osmond was nowhere to be found, maybe later he's going to tackle Jordan again.

Jordan heart began to pound erratically she was now standing outside of Hermione's Room, with a deep breath, she slowly open the door and peek inside, she saw Hermione and her roommates still asleep.

She slowly sauntered foward to Hermione bed and can't help to stared at the sleeping girl, she's sleeping peacefully, even her untamed hair looks so cute and a few strand of her hair was covering her face, her cute reddish nose, adding to the fact she have the cutest freckles in her cheeks and Merlin beard! That kissable lips, Jordan was so mesmerized by Hermione sleeping features. She tiptoed and leave a soft kiss on Hermione's forehead.

The sleeping girl stir from her sleep but didn't wake up she just touch her forehead where Jordan kissed, the taller girl softly giggled and put the flowers and a note on the top of Hermione's drawer, she glance back at the sleeping girl one last time and quietly left.

She feel overwhelmed with happiness at the sight of the girl she's having romantic feelings before shaking her head.

She then began to sense Osmond presence, she nodded then look around the room if the coast is clear..

"Tilementaforá."- with that she dissapeared where she's standing and teleported close to the Hufflepuff tower where Osmond located.



"Bloody hell!! Ow my back!!! That's Hurt!!"- someone painfully yelped, Jordan stumbled when she teleported she didn't even know that theres a few students were already awake.

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now