Chapter - XIII

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Chapter 13 ~ First Task - Golden Egg.

November 24,1994...

Jordan/A/N's (POV):

I am now standing at the corner inside the tent talking to my Mother (McGonagall) about the safety of the champions after they faced the dragons, yes dragons, i think the champions knew about that too, someone tip it to them, I can't help Harry and Cedric, it's against the rules especially when i'm one of the people helping, organizing the task/challenges, and of course  Uncle trusted me with it...

And to tell you the truth i can't bear to let my Uncle down nor letting him be disappointed by helping Harry and Cedric.

The four Champions were now standing in  inch corner of the tent, beside them were their House Head or Headmaster/ Headmistress.

We were all been waiting for Mr. Crouch to arrive and start this tournament...

Then Uncle Albus and Mr. Barty Crouch finally arrived with people following behind them.

"Champion's gather around, in this first task each of you will be facing a dragon, yes dragons, now one by one, you Champions will pull out your chosen dragons inside of this bag, any questions? No okay!, Ladies first."- he said.

Crouch held out the bag for Fleur, the blonde girl put her hand inside the bag and quickly pulling it out, in her hand a small Dragon known as Common Green Welsh.

Jordan saw her unsured expression but quickly gained her confidence after sharing a glance with her Headmistress.

Then i felt powerful and a gentle presence standing right behind me.

"Hello, Little phoenix. "- said an elderly voice, turning around and gave my Uncle a big hug.

"Hello Uncle."- I beamed and saw the majestic phoenix flying above my Uncle.

"Hello Fawkes nice seeing you here."- I greeted the red phoenix, once the words left my mouth, Fawkes flew toward my direction and landed on my arms as i held it up high to him. He peck my cheeks gently, showing his greetings and affection..

"Charming as always Fawkes, you must be so bored in Uncle office eh? Why don't you stay with me for a meantime. "- I asked Fawkes as he nodded his little head understanding the word i'm saying, Uncle cough, and my gaze darted at him and smile sheepishly, Fawkes switch his place to my shoulder getting himself comfortable there.

Then i paid my attention back to the front, where the champions already got their Dragons...

Victor Dragon was the Chinese Fireball, then Cedric got the Swedish Short-Snout, and lastly Harry got Hungarian Horntail, I shuddered as Harry got the most aggressive and dangerous dragon of all four.

"This represents four very real dragons, each and which was giving a golden egg to protect, your objected is simple, collect the egg, tis you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task.

There are numbers represent that in order that you'll be going in, First is Mr. Cedric Diggory, Second is Ms.. Fleur Delacour, Third is Mr. Victor Krum, Lastly is Mr. Harry Potter... Any questions?"- with that Mr. Crouch and every adult left seeing no one question him, but before leaving Uncle Albus wish Harry and the other champions goodluck, on the other hand, Fawkes and i stay inside the tent assisting Madam Anderson and Madam Pomprey before and after the task.

"Hey Ced! Beat that Dragon's Ass!"- Jordan shouted, Madam Pomprey smack the back of her head for her foul words, others laugh when they witness that, The Hufflepuff golden boy thumbs up at her way and walk to the Arena.

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now