Chapter - II

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Chapter 2 ~ The Burrows & Dream's.

Harry's and Narrator's (POV):

Years passed faster than imagined, and Harry is already in his fourth year at Hogwarts. And right now, he's organizing his suitcase since Ron has offered him to join them to watch the Quidditch World Cup with his family along and Hermione; he was happy to see his friends again, as he misses them greatly, and this is also an opportunity to leave the Dursley's House.

So he packed his belongings and waited for Mr. Weasley to come and get him out of this horrible house. Anyway, the voice whispering to him had vanished without a trace in recent weeks; he attempted to communicate to the voice but received no answer.

After checking the time, He dragged his luggage and Hedwig's cage downstairs, he noticed the Dursley family was just staring at him silently. His uncle opened his lips and was about to say something to him when a knock on the door resonated throughout the house. He sighed and rolled his eyes in frustration and he did not bother the boy this time.

Harry opened the door with a delighted smile as Mr. Weasley greeted him with a grin, and the twins waved brightly and enthusiastically at him..

"Hello, Harry, ready?"- Arthur asked the boy, and Harry was overjoyed, giving him an eager nod. The twins assisted Harry with belongings and Hedwig's cage, which was then placed inside the car. Before leaving Mr.Weasley said his farewell to the Dursleys. Who, by the way, rudely ignored him.

In the Burrows..

Mrs. Weasley greeted Harry with a great warm hug as they arrived at the house, then he caught Ron with both cheeks loaded with food as usual and greeted him.

He heard footsteps running down the stairs, and saw a familiar bushy-haired girl who belong to his female bestfriend. Hermione dashed towards him and hugged him tightly, as she let go, Ginny drew him into her and wrapped her arms around him.

The Weasley family, particularly the twins, had a knowing smirk on their lips; everyone knew Ginny had a major crush on Harry, except Ron, who was too preoccupied with his meals his mother usually cooking to pay attention to his sister's romantic life. But if he discovers that his sister has a thing on his best friend, he will certainly flip.

Ginny took a few steps back, a tint of pink appearing on her cheeks, while Harry, who was in the same phase as her, simply offered a tight lip smile and glance at Hermione as she began to talk.

"Harry, thank goodness you're here. Ron can't stop rumbling about this Quidditch World cup, and keeps bringing the upcoming battle between Ireland and Bulgaria. It's so exhausting hearing it all over again, can you make him stop, please.."- Hermione said as she pointed her finger at their bestfriend, while Ron was embarrassed and offended. I just laughed at his expression and the twins faces had a knowing smirks. Then they began singing a tune to tease their younger brother.

Then a tall man with shoulder-length hair suddenly apparated behind Molly. Who was startled by his arrival.

"Serius!"- Harry shouted and hugged his godfather, and Sirius did the same, delighted to see his godson again.

"Are you coming with us to see the Quidditch World Cup?"- Harry inquired hopefully, as his gaze focused at him.

"No, my boy, I'm afraid i can't; I'm just here to check on you, I still have a lot of errands to do."- Sirius sadly told his godson.

"When will I be able to stay with you, Siruis?"- asked Harry.

"About that, it's still working progress, my boy. We are still waiting for the approval of the Ministry, but don't worry, it will come soon."- Sirius said, before ruffling his godson's hair, they talked for a while, but Sirius decided to depart because it was becoming late.

.·:*¨༺ ۵ ༻¨*:·.



A young boy was resting quietly on his bed, experiencing a random dream, when his perspective shifted to a familiar scene of an old man minding his own thing in his house; He lives in the old worn down Riddle House. The year is 1994, and the house appears to have remained unchanged since the previous owner's departed.

The old man wandered around the house then he noticed a flicker light in one of the rooms upstairs, he felt annoyed and his brow furrowed.

"Darn kids, can an old man like me have a peaceful and quiet evening for once?"- the old man murmured to himself, believing that the children in town returned to the house again, late at night, they were constantly rummaging around the house fir amusement. And an old man like him got tired of doing this over and over.

He swiftly made his way over to the room and saw that no one was there, nevertheless, as he turned around two middle-age men were standing in front of an old-looking sofa inside the room. They were actually three men, one of them was kneeling infront of the sofa and speaking respectfully to the person.

The old man name was "Frank Bryce" and he was trying to hide his presence as the three unfamiliar people continued talking inside the room, but a large snake suddenly slythered through him and slythered to the sofa where the Dark Lord was weakly seated, it hissed closely to her master's ear and both spoke in Parseltongue.

Then the door flew wide open and a long-haired man smile wickedly at him. Frank was so terrified to his wits, and paralyzed where he stood.

"Step aside Smith i want to see our special guest and greet him." - Voldemort demanded Andrew Smith, despite his seeming weak appearance the Dark Lord smile darkly at the old man.

"It was nice to meet the man who keeps this place all tidy and occupied, as the master of this house, I shall reward you for your hard work."- the Dark Lord spoke and he peered in Smith's direction. The man swiftly made his gesture, as his attention was now drawn to Frank, and aimed his wand at the poor old man.

"Avada Kedravra"- Frank lifeless body tumbled to the ground. The three then laugh hysterically, finding this incident amusing.

(Dream end..)

"Harry!!, Harry, wake up!!"

Harry's eyes opened as his hand quickly moved to his scar and gently rubbed it to ease the throbbing pain.

"You're having a nightmare again, Harry, is it the same dream as before?"- Hermione inquired as she sat on the side of the bed.

"Yeah, same dream again, I don't know if its happen in real life, Hermione; it looks so detailed and so real, and the voice that helping us became so quiet. I can't hear it anymore Hermione, it's like the connection between is us cut off, just like that."- he said while placing both of his hands on his face. Hermione simply patted Harry's back to comfort him.

"Come on, we have to get ready. Mrs. Weasley said breakfast will be ready in a minute, and we have to go early, said Mr. Weasley."- Hermione gets up, and grab one of the pillows on the bed, and approaches a sleeping Ron.

"Wake up, wake up. Your father told us we must wake up early, but here you are still sleeping like a sloth, wake up! You lazy baboon."- Hermione slammed Ron on the face with every syllable she said to wake him up, while Harry chuckles when he saw Ron's shock and horrified expression.

"Bloody hell Mione! I'm up! i'm up, stop that now, ow!"- Ron complained while protecting his face from the approaching pillow, Hermione set down the soft object, and both her, and Harry laugh at him.

"Get up both of you, or should I tell Mrs. Weasley that you're still sleeping, you don't want the woman of the house to come up here and fetch you two herself, right?"- with a smirk on her lips, she exited their room and quietly walked downstairs, assisting Mrs. Weasley in organizing the table.

(A/N: Sorry, short update.)

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   Words  1364

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