Chapter - XVII

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Chapter 17 ~ Yule Ball & Drama - II.

When Jordan returned she saw Ron and Hermione having a heated argument, Harry tried to stop the fight between his bestfriend, then he spotted Jordan walking toward their way, he let out aĺ relieved sigh seeing her return..

"I mean, it's not fair for Jordan! You even forgotten your promise to her Hermione."- Ron shouted to the girl.

"You promise her a dance Hermione! Jordan kept waiting for you, waiting for the right time to ask you to dance, but you too pre-occupied with that Victor Krum, you can't even see that he's just using you!"- said Ron, Jordan saw that it's getting out of hand so she stood up between them and stop Ron for saying something he'll regret later.

"Calm down Ron, stop it right now, Bianca, Harry why don't you go get something to drink and bring Ron with you, help him to calm down."- i said, signaling them to bring the redhead boy away from here.

"Sure, right."- Bianca nodded and pulled an angry Ron away from them, while Harry follow along.

With a heavy sighed, i felt Hermione gaze on the back of my head, so I turn around to look at her, she's already looking at me, ashamed, regrets, and sadness.

"Jordan, I-i"

"Hermione, i love to hear your reason and all, but not right now, please... maybe some other time.."- Jordan quickly get her blazer and hang it to her left arm and walk right pass to a dejected girl.

The bushy-hair girl follows Jordan outside the great hall, trying to stop her and talk to her, seeing that Jordan ignore everything she did, she just silently follows her until they arrive at the Astronomy tower.

"Jordan, please let just talk, I can explain everything please."- said Hermione to the girl in front of her, who's ignoring her presence while blankly looking up the sky.

"Jordan, i know you're disappointed at me, I didn't forgot the promise i made with you, but Victor didn't let me be, he's always by my side, I just wish that you could ask me even he's there, I---

"Oh now it's my fault? Really Hermione? I've been waiting for you, I even looked like a bloody idiot standing there like a lost puppy, just for you to notice me, you never even glance or turn to look at us, you didn't even glance at my direction, you're to busy flirting with him!, I get it you had fun but.. Bloody shit!."- I nearly shout, I couldn't even believe what i am hearing just now, my chest heaving up and down, and i know I'm starting to feel frustrated about her reason...

"Damn it Hermione!"- I cussed, and couldn't help to put my hands over my head and pulled my hair fistfully...

"J-Jordan, I'm sorry, please calm down. If i can turn back time, I will go with you instead of him"- said Hermione walking closer toward the taller girl.

"Then why can't you?"- I said in frustration not because of her, but because of me, my anger is getting the best of me, I tried to stop my mouth from saying anything hurtful words, but I can't help it.

"You have a time turner Hermione, you can turn back time using that. But you didn't,  deep inside you like him, you like the attention he is giving you."- Jordan continued she was so tired she can't even look up to the girl she's in love with.

Hearing Jordan words left Hermione speechless her time turner were broken long ago and cannot be repair. Beside it doesn't work that way...

"What is wrong with you Jordan? You're not like this."- Hermione said, as she stood up in daze, as for Jordan she sat on the end of the stairs holding her face.

"Fuck!"- I swear i don't want Hermione to be hurt, i've been controlling my anger and words when im like this. But i snap I'm too frustrated, too angry to myself and little for her..

"Just leave me alone right now Hermione"- she uttered, still not looking at the girl.

Hermione shook her head, stubbornly and repeatedly said they need to settle this out. That's when Jordan finally snap.

"Fuck Hermione! For Merlin sake! You are the brightest and smartest witch in your ages, don't you get it? I am fucking Jealous! The first time i laid my eyes on you, I know you're the girl for me. You're a very smart girl Hermione but when it comes to emotions you're so dense!"- i said while directly looking up to her, I know it's time for her to know what I felt, my feelings.

"I'm so angry, so jealous, so frustrated, if only i ask you to be my date a few days earlier, then i am not like this jealous freak you're seeing right now, fuck!!!"- I huffed, the same time breathing heavily..

"Damn it! Don't you see, I'm fucking in love with you Hermione Jean Granger and you're so fucking oblivious to notice! When you sorted out your own feelings, come and find me, then we'll talk."- she said and stood up, as she stepping down the stairs Jordan stop on her tracks and said..

"Even if i'm giving you some space to think Hermione, know this, i love you, since the day i saw you, my heart only beats for you and i will not stop until you finally become mine. Mark my words."- with that I continued my tracks, leaving her alone in the tower.

Hermione still in trance state when she snap out of reality, her mind keeps replaying how Jordan confess to her.

"S-she l-loves me?"- Hermione said as she absurd Jordan words of confession, then her legs gave up, her emotions were crushing all together, while she stared at the wall blankly.

"How can i be so stupid, of course she loves me, all that flowers, the notes, the sweet gestures, the stolen kisses, god damn it Hermione!! You bloody fool."- she said to herself but eventually smile.

"She love me, Jordan loves me"- she repeated and smile broadly. She felt so happy and giddy that she finally knew that Jordan is in love with her..

That very night both girls can't fall asleep thinking about one another. Jordan felt stupid, her frustration and anger get the best of her. But she never regret confessing her feelings to Hermione.

While Hermione keeps tossing and turning on her bed, still thinking what Jordan said to her. She couldn't help but to feel happy and all giddy from that incident.

She silently keeps thinking that she have to plan how to get Jordan alone for herself then have a serious conversation about her confession. She will do it the sooner the better.

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Words 1147

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now