Chapter - XI

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Chapter 11 ~ Goblet of Fire.

Today is the day all the classes were dismissed, and every older student in Hogwarts were submitting their names to the Goblet of fire, along with the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students.

Right now, a few students stayed inside the room waiting and watching the other students submitting their names.

Cedric and his friends were talking and messing around the place before pushing the golden boy to the Goblet of Fire as he submitted his name, which is written to a slip of a parchment..

Jordan gave a thumbs up to Cedric while he nodded at her way and joined his friends.

Suddenly, the big door burst open, and two identical Weasley's walked in.

"Yeaaah!!"- the crowd went wild seeing the prankster twins. While the students' attentions were now on them, Jordan sat right next to Hermione.

"Hi Love, reading again?"- she said as her sight landed on the book title.

"Hi Jordan."- smiled Hermione, she put her book away and hold Jordan's hand..

"Is it ok if i hold your hand like this? it just that i feel comfortable every time i hold your hand and to unknown reason, i love having you right next to me."- Hermione admitted her thoughts to Jordan, who smiled widely after hearing that.

"Well, love, you dont have to ask anymore, just hold my hand, whatever you like, whatever you want."- said Jordan, bringing Hermione hand to her lips and kissing them with tenderness.

Hermione smiled shyly as she diverted her eyes ahead and noticed the items on the twins' hands.

"It's not going to work."- she said in singing tone, both Weasley's look at her way and went toward the girls and went behind them.

"Hi there, Jordan."- said the twins and ruffled the girl's hair at the same time...

"Oh yeah, and why's that Granger?"- the twins synchronize question the bushy-haired girl..

"See this, this is age line"- Hermione pointed at.


"So, a genius like Professor Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim-witted as an aging potion"- explain Hermione with a duh tone. Jordan shook her head at the boys, and chuckles agreeing to her. She got a point there.

"Ah, but that's why it's so brilliant."- said one of the twins and followed by the other.

"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted."

"Ready, Fred?"

"Ready George"- The twins stood up, then shook the vial on their hands, then tipped the potion into each other mouths.

"Bottoms up!"

They both jump inside the circle, immediately celebrating their succession, earning cheers from the other students.

Hermione look at them funny.

"Watch"- she said to Jordan.

"Ready?"- both twins dropped their slips of parchments into the fire.

"Yeah!!"- they high-five each other in victory, but their smile soon disappear when they send flying towards the entrance.

Groaning in pain, they look at each other and astonished by their looks, grey hair start to grow on their chins and scalps, even their faces turns older, the twins began to fight each other in annoyance.

Loving HER Is.... (Hermione.Granger/Intersex.OC) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now