Chapter 1, Part 1: The Rise to Fall

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A/n: if you haven't seen both Avengers and Endgame, then this might not make sense.

Go watch all the movies first lol.



It's been a while since I've been locked in a dark room. Anyway, this is illegal. I can't be held in here handcuffed to a chair. I didn't even do anything wrong.

God, my back hurts. I wonder how long it's been. Was it the morning? The daytime? I have no clue. I was groggy and tired of people. I didn't like interacting with them, especially strangers or if I'm being forced to. Interrupting from my thoughts, a lady came walking into the room, closing the door behind her before advancing to the opposite side of the table.

"Hello, I'm Agent Hill and I'll be asking you some questions," She said confidently.

I don't answer.

"Do you mind telling me your name and age, please?"

I glared at her, while I fiddled with the tight cuffs digging into my wrists. It made a sound every time moved and pulled, the chain hitting the metal bar on the back of the chair.

"Don't bother trying to escape, it's impossible wearing those cuffs," she said with a stern tone yet calmly.

"How'd you find me?" I kept my head down as I continued to pull.

I got in the position to stand up but the lady beat me to it. I looked up to see her hand hovering over her gun attached to her waist.

"Don't even think about trying anything," she growled, looking me dead in the eyes, ignoring my question.

I gave up. I sat back down and she did the same before she placed a folder on the table in front of me.

Again, I glared at her as she picked it up and opened it.

"So you're Amanda Rosé, age 19, born in Portland, Oregon. Both parents are deceased. Does that sound familiar to you?"

Confusion arose in my mind. Where did this information come from?

I narrowed my eyes. I tried to contain myself. I always had urges to speak but I knew better.

The lady — Agent Hill — gave me a stern look. Maybe thinking I was stupid or something.

"Is it not right?" She asked, her stern eyes drilling into mine. I glared back, wishing to run right now.

The truth is, I am scared. I've been scared all my life. Even though I want her to think that I'm not afraid, she'd know that I'm not having the best time if she could see my heart rate.

She continued to talk but I couldn't listen. My thoughts were strangling me to death. How did they find me? I've spent three years in hiding.

"Hey!" Her voice hollered, ripping me out of my thoughts. I flinch because it yet quickly recovers. "I'm talking to you!"

I understand why they locked me up in a cell with no windows, or a bed, or anything. It was because I'm dangerous. And when someone upsets me, things get messy. I stand up from my chair, my hands still attached to it.

"Don't move!" She stood up from her seat, pointing her gun right at me now. I looked her in the eyes, seeing emotion in hers.

"One more move and I'll blow your head off!" She growled. Her hands clenched around the handle of the gun as she took her stance by the wall.

Yeah, sure you will. I stood up from my seat as well, bringing it with me. I struggled to back up with it as it banged against the floor several times. I kind of gave up midway to the wall and sat back down on it. I was a good distance away from her yet she was still on edge.

She still seemed tense. I stepped forward.

"Stay where you are!"

I jumped by her tone yet it triggered something in me. She got ready to shoot. All I did was give her eyes, telling her to be careful with her next moments.

Not lowering her gun, she strolled over to the exit and soon left me alone. The room fell still. I took this time to escape. Pulling my hands against the chair, feeling the metal of the cuffs going deeper into my fragile skin, I managed to stay calm. Clenching my teeth together as I pulled harder, I then jolted forward. I caught myself with my foot before I leaned too forward and sat back up. I lifted my hands and saw that I was able to break the chain. The tight cuffs still held onto my wrists. I could already see bruises starting to form underneath their hold.

The noises of voices echoed through the glass wall when I saw the figures getting closer to it. I stood up to the sudden burst of people coming through the double doors. Weapons in hand, a man with an eye patch, and that lady stood with pride before me. I held my hand behind my back.

The man and lady looked at each other as they mumbled something I couldn't pick up. The lady stepped forward, pointing her gun again. "Back up!" She screeched.

"Show your hands," he spoke up, calmly.

With hesitation, I revealed my hand to them and they all stood there in shock.

"How did you-" the man paused and the lady stepped in again. "I said, back up!" I slowly shook my head.

"Hand up! I'm warning you!" The lady growled more aggressively this time too. Yet I wasn't fazed. Stepping forward to the table and picking up the false file on me.

And when I saw the picture at the top of the file, I didn't smile, I was laughing internally.

Oh my god. Are these guys dumb? The girl in this picture doesn't even look like me. They all stayed where they were, watching as I placed it back down.

"Last warning," she said before she clicked the back of the gun. My eyebrows narrowed more as fighting off my urges. But unfortunately, I back down. Putting my hands up, I lower my head. Surrendering to them, I obey, keeping my cool as I hear more people coming in and surrounding me. One removed my old cuffs and quickly replaced them with new ones. And when I attempted to look up, I couldn't.

I felt something hit my neck. And I shortly after blacked out once again. Great, second time of the day.

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