Chapter 29

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New Jersey - 1970

We all managed to find uniforms for the mission. I was invisible, of course, but Tony had told me to always be prepared. Prepared for what, though?

"You weren't actually born here, right?" Tony had asked.

"The idea of me was,"

"Right. Well, imagine, you're S.H.I.E.L.D... running a quasi-fascistic intelligence organization... where do you hide it?"

"In plain sight," he looked ahead of us and there was a secret yet not so secret entranceway. Tony tapped his glasses and activated visor trills. We followed him as he led the way.

When we approached it, Tony explained the plan to me.

"When we get to the floor, you're coming with me while Cap will get the particles," I nodded, understanding. Tony opened the door for Steve, acting like I wasn't there for good reasons, and inside was a lady with a folder. I stood in the middle while Steve and Tony stood a bit away from her. I watched as the lady looked at the two up and down, suspiciously. I wondered if she could tell.

I felt the feeling coming back like it was reminding me of my clock. 9:02:07, it read.

The elevator soon beeped, along with the doors sliding open. Tony and I were about to leave when he turned to Steve.

"Good luck on your mission, Captain," he said before stepping out of the elevator.

"Good luck, on your project, Doctor," Steve had said. Right behind him, I stayed close. Tony looked back at Steve one last time before proceeding.

I tried to focus but the power from my eye began to seriously. Taking the stairs, we reached their underground floor. Realizing there was no one down there, I turned visible. I ran with Tony as he began to search for the damn thing. I knew he didn't have the foggiest idea where it was. The glowing was blinding my sight, making it harder to see out of my eye.

But then it hit me.

"Tony," I called out. He turned around and looked concerned.

"Woah, what's going on there?" I ignored his question.

"Is the Tesseract link to the scepter by any chance?"

He raised his brow. "The Tesseract powers the scepter," he told me and the gears began to turn in my brain. I walked past him and his dumbfounded face, obviously confused. I heard his footsteps from behind as I was leading the way now. I remembered my clock.

I grabbed Tony's hand and pulled with me as I picked up speed. "Where are we going?" He said worriedly.

"We can't waste time, I know where it is,"

"What, how?"

And I wondered that myself but I'd put it all together. My eye glowed brighter as we got closer to its location. We must've run for a while because it felt like this room could go on forever. But when the glowing stopped, I knew we passed it. I halted, causing Tony to crash into me. He fell over but I kept my balance. I didn't help him up, only continued to follow the source's pattern. "Here," I pointed in the direction of where we came from. "In this section over here,"

Tony followed and tapped his glasses, looking ahead of me. "Found it," he confirmed, using his suit welding tool to break into its steel container.

"Grab that," he instructed and I grabbed a nearby briefcase which was made for the Tesseract and opened it as he took it out of its confinement. He sighed in relief as he held it.

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