Chapter 22

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It was the late afternoon when Tony decided to go to see what his daughter Morgan was up to in the front yard by the lake. He stepped out of the cabin, admiring nature, and approached her to the play area and tent. He clapped in a rhythm, nine times in a row before calling out, "Chow time!". Not in a rush, he took his time, taking a seat in one of her tiny chairs outside of her tent. "Moguna?" He called out. "Morgan H. Stark, you want some lunch?"

And out came Morgan wearing a blue mini ironman helmet and gloves. She pointed her hand at Tony. "Define lunch or be disintegrated," she said.

Tony had put his hand up in defeat. "Okay," he looked at her as she held up the front of it, being too heavy for her little head.

"You should not be wearing that, okay? That is part of the special anniversary gift I'm gonna give your mom," he said, kissing her against the helmet. He took it off of her and moved her hair out of her face. "There you go. Are you thinking about lunch? Gonna give you a hand full of crickets on a bed of lettuce?"

"No," Morgan dragged the 'o'.

"That's what you want," Tony joked as he held up the helmet. "How did you find this?"

"In the garage," she said.

"Really?" He tilted his head. "Were you looking for it?"

"No. I found it though," She gave him puppy eyes.

"Mhm. You like going into the garage, huh? So does daddy," He asked, picking her up and began to walk back to the cabin. "It's fine. Mom never wears anything I buy her," he stated.

But that's when he noticed Steve, Scott, and Natasha pulled up in his driveway. Steve closed his door and gave Tony a look as Natasha and Scott did the same. Tony gave them a nod type of greeting before taking Morgan back into the house.


Tony poured water from each of them as Scott began to talk.

"No, tru-, we know what it sounds like,"

"Tony," Steve stepped in. "After everything you've seen is anything impossible-" Tony cut him off.

"Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck scale which then triggers the Deutsch proposition. Can we agree on that?" He asked, handing Steve some water. "Thank you," Steve said, politely and quietly.

"In layman's terms it means you're not coming home," Tony stated.

"I did," Scott said.

"No. You accidentally survived. It's a billion to one cosmic fluke and now you want to pull off... what do you call it?" He asked, facing Scott, giving him his water.

"Time heist?" Scott stated, unsure of his answer.

"Yeah," Tony chuckled. "Time heist. Of course, why didn't we think of this before? Oh because it's laughable? Cause it's a pipe dream?"

"The stones are in the past, we can go back and we could get them," Steve stated.

Natasha joined in. "We can snap our fingers. We can bring everybody back,"

"Or screwed up worse than everybody has, right? Tony still didn't have faith.

"I don't believe we would," Steve said to him.

"I've got to say to us sometimes you miss that giddy optimism however high hopes won't help if there's no logical, tangible way for me to safely execute said time heist. I believe the most likely outcome would be our collective demise,"

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