Chapter 24

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Tony grabbed her hand, examining it. Seeing how the stones were stuck to her. His eyes met hers as she looked at him with vulnerability.

"You stole them?"

She bit her cheek. "Yeah?"


"I took them from his metal glove thing,"

He gave her a look, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. "You took them? Like picking them up?"


He stared at her for a moment, waiting for her to tell the truth but nothing happened, leaving him in a haze of confusion.

Looking back at her hand. "There's only five, where's the sixth?" He looked at her, concerned. And her face fell.

"He destroyed it," She admitted. He saw how her veins were turning different colors. She didn't die instantly, but he could tell the remaining stones were killing her slowly. He knew from the power she had held and was able to contain that she was able to touch them in such a way that no other human could.

"Are they hurting you?" He asked.

And she sighed. "Well, I fainted from them earlier,"


"Yeah, it was right when I was you and then I felt this pain come from my hand. I started to couch and then I guess blacked out from what I remember seeing,"

He nodded, not taking his eyes off her hand. "Incredible," he mumbled, peering down at the stones as they glowed brightly.

He backed away, clearing his throat as he stood up. He walked into the other room then came back, leaning against the wall, gazing over at Bree.

"I, uh, did some research about you after I thought..." He paused, shoving his hands into his pockets as he hung his head. She listened to him, trying not to panic. "And uh, I found some disturbing things about... Uh, your past," he stated. Bree didn't meet his eyes. "I'm sorry that happened to you, Bree," he apologized. And Bree shook her head.

"Don't be,"

"But I am, Bree. What they did to you should've never happened,"

"... Well it did. What's done is done. And now look at me. I still feel like the same nobody as I was when I escape that horrible place,"

"Again, I'm sorry, kid,"

"And again, don't. I don't need your pity, it's a waste of energy,"

"It's the least I can do, kid,"

She sighed. "Listen, that's now the past and I would appreciate it if we were to forget what happened in the past,"

"But what happened in the past traumatized you, kid. Believe me, I know how that feels,"

"No you don't, Stark," I could feel my old self coming back. All defensive and cold. "No, you fucking don't,"

He backed off. "What they did is now in the past. I escaped. But then I was found," I said in an icy tone.

"And because of Fury, I'm now stuck in the middle of this chaos... fighting whatever is still on my mind or what has been for the last few days. Yet I can't seem to leave it alone. I've been pondering the thought that I could've walked out when I was with Thanos. Could've used a portal to go to California or somewhere far away from here. Start over and move on. Yet I couldn't imagine that. I only saw myself coming back to this. To you guys, and ... I don't know how to feel about it. I still feel like the nobody I am, that's what they made me be... But now, when I look at my hand and the stones, I see new hope for the people... for us, Tony. And I think I can stop whatever it is we're fighting now... But I don't know if I can do it by myself,"

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